
Why I'm Suing Facebook For Lying About Me

John Stossel, American Consequences

One libertarian broadcasting icon litigiously takes on the embattled Big Tech monolith over First Amendment concerns.

Why Frances Haugen Is Actually Facebook's Worst Nightmare

Clare Duffy, CNN

Facebook is no stranger on Capitol Hill. Its executives have repeatedly been hauled in for hearings amid the social media giant's various scandals, as have other experts on the company. But Tuesday's hearing stood out for the strong performance of witness Frances Haugen.

In Her '15 Minutes,' Frances Haugen Revealed Nothing

Todd Seavey, Splice Today

J6 can't do the damage the Fed, the other BLM, and spending bills do. || Todd Seavey

Are You "Middle Class"? It's About More Than Income.

Michelle Shen, USA Today

Defining who is (and isn't) middle class is more than just a number. It's also about aspirations and how we see ourselves.

Electricity Crisis Not Caused By 'Perfect Storm'

Leonard Hyman & William Tilles, OP

The electricity crisis appears to have gone global and while plenty of observers appear to be blaming a 'perfect storm' of events, the truth is that electricity providers are being punished for refusing to plan

Why Rising Interest Rates Needn't Stall Big Tech

Market Minder, Fisher Investments

Volatility under the hood is normal—don't read too much into it.

With Evergrande's Fall, Beijing Sending Mixed Messages

Eswar Prasad, Fortune

Commentary: Conflicting policy signals may fuel uncertainty and volatility.

Book Review: Eswar Prasad's The Future of Money

John Tamny, RealClearMarkets

A 2018 Frontline episode titled Our Man in Tehran followed Thomas Erdbrink, who was at the time Tehran bureau chief for the New York Times. One of Erdbrink's stops in this most fascinating of documentaries was an outdoor currency exchange. Paraphrasing the trader whom Erdbrink interviewed, "They hate the Americans, but we don't." "They" was the Iranian leadership. They're not fond of the U.S., but it seems the Iranian people view the U.S. differently. Notable about this currency trader was that he was trading dollars. Yes, the dollar is the currency of exchange in Tehran. Some reading this...

Why Sunny Outlook In the Sun Belt Matters So Much

Michael Hendrix, Governing

Residents of Sun Belt metros rate quality of life higher than residents of other fast-growing regions. But common concerns suggest that local leaders should pay more attention to the basics of governance.

Nat'l Mandates Have Nothing to With Civilized Society

Jeffrey Tucker, Brownstone

The Human Resource order comes down to you with ferocity: get the vaccine or lose your office access and eventually your job. You are stunned. You had heard that the Biden administration was favoring this but your company has only 150 employees and it lives entirely within the private sector. Surely this cannot be right. Surely there is a way to fight back. Maybe a lawsuit against the mandate is in order.

The Budget Wreck Is Congress's Fault, and It's Also Yours

Kevin Kosar, The Hill

The broken budget process is a wicked hard public policy challenge: How to craft a budget reform act that incentivizes politicians to budget responsibly and to stop indulging the public's appetite for free lunches?

Why Lawmakers Are Fighting Over the Debt Ceiling...Yet Again

Li Zhou, Vox

Republicans are using the debt ceiling to send a political message.

Crypto's Huge Gains, and Huge Losses

Carrie Schwab-Pomerantz, Charles Schwab

Cryptocurrency can yield big gains, but equally big losses.

MMT Is A Political Manifesto

Drumetz Françoise & Pfister Christian, Banque de France

In the last few years in the U.S. and especially since the publication of Stephanie Kelton's book, The Deficit Myth (Kelton, 2020) in Europe, the so-called Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) has been gaining prominence in the media and the public. This paper exposes the main proposals of MMT in the light of their doctrinal sources, also confronting them with economic facts and with other currents of economic thought.

What To Do If You're Worried About Inflation

Robin Powell, TEBI

Like many other investors, you may be worried about inflation, but the best strategy is probably to stay invested and focus on your long-term goals.

The Cost of Lockdowns

Brian Wesbury & Robert Stein, First Trust Advisors

Economic Outlook: Still Rising

Preston Caldwell, Morningstar

We think high inflation will be temporary.

State, Local Governments w/Most Debt Per Capita

Marko Csokasi, Commodity.com

Find out which US states owe the most dept per capita. You'll find a summary of the 15 most endebted local US governments and more.

It's All Over for Japan (and That's Good)

Jeffrey Kleintop, Charles Schwab

Japanese stocks have rebounded to 30-year highs and became the world's best performers in September and the third quarter.

Central Banks' Next Big Test Is Coming

Willem H. Buiter, Project Syndicate

Across the advanced economies, central banks have rightly prioritized maintaining financial stability and supporting the real economy over fighting inflation with interest-rate hikes. But with financial fragility rife and public and private leverage at all-time highs, their next big test is coming.

The Ship That Became a Bomb

Ed Caesar, The New Yorker

Stranded in Yemen's war zone, a decaying supertanker has more than a million barrels of oil aboard. If—or when—it explodes or sinks, thousands may die.

My Favorite NFTs Are Shares Of Businesses

Joshua Brown, The Reformed Broker

Here is a replica of one of my favorite NFTs.

Politicians Can't Fix a Supply Chain Crisis They Created

J.D. Tuccille, Reason

Governments may not be able to make an economy, but they've proven they can break it.

Self-Driving Cars: The 21st-Century Trolley Problem

Rani Molla, Vox

Autonomous tech could lead to deaths at the hands of robots. But is continuing to let humans drive even worse?

The Great Secret Tariff Code Heist

James Bovard, AIER

Unfortunately, as long as politicians can profiteer from restricting imports, protectionism will continue reviving. Most of the media continues to ignore the economic carnage resulting from protectionist decrees that, after all these years, still cannot pass the laugh test.

Why Wall Street Still Cheers China, Despite The Crackdown

Li Yuan, NYT

Beijing is opening its financial system to foreign banks — and they have maintained their traditional openness to the Communist Party's rule.

Elizabeth Warren and Her Crowd Coming For Your Wealth

Antony Davies, AIER

"Federal spending is out of control. Politicians know it and they know that they can't stop it. A day of reckoning is coming. Politicians hope that we'll keep pointing fingers at the rich so we don't notice who the real culprits are." ~ Antony Davies

With Its Budget Priorities, Congress Tells Sad Story

Michael Cohen, MSNBC.com

Congress is more interested in preparing for an unlikely war with China than helping Americans at home.

Debt Ceiling Compromise Should Be Made for Taxpayers

Andrew Lautz, The Hill

Politicians should implement a bipartisan plan to get our country's finances back in order.

White House Uses Bogus Study to Justify Its Tax Hikes

Travis Nix, The Examiner

With President Joe Biden's approval ratings in decline and his $3.5 trillion spending package losing key Democratic support, his administration has resorted to making up a new definition of income as a way to scare the public and Congress into supporting his job-killing tax hikes.

Fisher Investments on Election-Year Uncertainty: This, Too, Shall Pass

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Ken Fisher on Nixing the VIX

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Will Uncle Sam Force Big Tech to Break Up?

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Shattering the Debt Ceiling Myth

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

When Environmental Regs Backfire

Mike Lee & David Schweikert, City Journal

A runaway environmental-review process bogs down improvement projects, stifling innovation and impeding clean-energy development.

4 Ways to Keep More of Your Funds' Returns

Amy Arnott, Morningstar

Following a disciplined investment strategy can help you keep more of what your fund holdings earn.

The Commonsense Capitalism of Chris James

Michelle Celarier, II

Engine No. 1's victory in a boardroom battle with ExxonMobil is taking ESG investing to the next level.

Irresponsible Politicians Spend "For The Children"

Chris Edwards, Cato

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi says the new spending is "for the children," but added debt will work against the children and drag down their standard of living.

Most Of The Daily News Is Useless Noise

Barry Ritholtz, The Big Picture

Most of the time, most of the things we worry most about turn out to be mostly meaningless. They work themselves out without any help from us. Its an important lesson for investors.

Untangling The Supply Chain

Francine Kiefer, The Christian Science Monitor

Three frontline workers walk us through global supply chain troubles, as seen in the clogged port of Los Angeles.

Are U.S. Housing Prices Becoming Unaffordable?

Ben Carlson, AWOCS

A 20% gain for national home prices over a one year period is absolutely nuts.
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