
Why Is Everyone in TX Not Dying?

Jeffrey Tucker, Am. Institute for Economic Research

"Now we can see the failure in black, white, and full color, daily appearing on our screens courtesy of the CDC. Has that shaken the pro-lockdown pundit class? Not that much. What an amazing testament to the stubbornness of elite opinion and its bias against basic freedoms. They might all echo...

How to Avoid Crisis From Covid-19 Lawsuits

Jerry Theodorou, Washington Examiner

People in the United States have filed nearly 10,000 COVID-19-related lawsuits in state and federal courts since the outbreak of the virus. The litigation wave, likely to swell this year as courts reopen and pent-up demand is released, is fueling a rising trend in civil litigation and adding a tax…

We Can't Suspend Evictions & Foreclosures Forever

Parrott & Goodman, CNN

As the coronavirus shuttered much of the nation's economy last year, policymakers imposed a moratorium on evictions and foreclosures to keep millions of families from losing their homes. As the nation's lockdown dragged on, they extended both, with the eviction moratorium now set to expire this week on March 31st, but likely to be extended again, and the foreclosure moratorium set to expire at the end of June.

We Will Soon Be At the Mercy of Our Creditors

Kevin Williamson, National Review

Unless we start getting our fiscal house in order now, we will soon be at the mercy of our creditors.

Dems Poised to Raise Taxes on Rich

Jim Tankersley & Emily Cochrane, New York Times

The president's infrastructure proposals are likely to require trillions of dollars in new tax revenue. They also give liberals a chance to address what they call the failures of Republican tax cuts.

Death by Tax: Dems Risk Econ.'s Livelihood

Trish Regan, American Consequences

With trillions more in proposed spending from Biden, Trish Regan wonders if the ultimate Democrats' dream is canceling capitalism.

States Should Protect People, Abide Federal Tax Deadline

Andrew Wilford, RCM

Last week, because of its dreadful failure to keep up with tax filing season and pressure fromadvocacy organizations and members of Congress, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) acted to move the deadline for filing and payment of federal income taxes from April 15 to May 17. Since then, the majority of states have conformed to this updated deadline. But several states have yet to follow suit, creating potential uncertainty for taxpayers over filing and paying their taxes effectively. The rationale behind moving the Tax Day deadline this year appears to be less of a home runthan it was last...

There's Nothing 'Free Market' About the Fed Planning GDP

John Tamny, Forbes

Since money is an effect of production, attempts to plan its supply would be as successful as conceited efforts to plan production. Meaning, not at all. Which means focusing the Fed on money supply is not at all free market.

An Examination of What Inflation Is, What It Isn't

Market Minder, Fisher Investments

With prices up in some corners of the economy, we examine what inflation is—and isn't.

Global Warming Is Threat to Our Financial Health

Michael Panfil & Sarah Ladin, Hill

Climate change is a threat to our financial system. It's encouraging to see steps are being taken in a financially sound direction.

Investors Seek Bitcoin Haven Amid Weak-Dollar Worries

Charles Gasparino, NYP

Warren Buffett hates cryptocurrencies. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen isn't a fan and neither is Bill Gates. Ditto for scores of great economic minds who call the rise of cryptos like Bitcoin a "b…

April Has Been Bullish, But Don't Expect Repeat Year

Mark Hulbert, MarketWatch

Wall Street's calendar trading patterns aren't worth planning your days around.

It's What You Value, and Where You Find It

Liz Ann Sonders, Charles Schwab

Commodities: Biggest Winners Since the Low

Ryan Detrick, LPL Financial Research

Thursday, March 25, 2021 Top Story

Keep Close Eye on 5-Year Breakeven Inflation Rate

Pat O'Hare, Briefing.com

Cities With The Most Self-Employed Workers

Various, HireAHelper

Cities With The Most Self-Employed Workers

Do Markets Believe the Fed? Possibly

Matthew Luzzetti, Deutsche Bank Group

Epically Bad February for New Home Sales

Richard Moody, Regions Bank

The Fed, Regulation and MMT

Brian Wesbury & Robert Stein, First Trust Advisors

The Alphabet Soup of Recessions

Clifford Thies, AIER

The O shaped recovery

Why Janet Yellen Is Wrong on Corporate Taxes

Daniel Bunn & Scott Hodge, CNN

President Joe Biden said he hopes to have America nearly back to normal by July 4th. For that to happen, policymakers must continue to make progress on sparking a swift and sustainable economic recovery.

Expanding Government Power Won't Defeat Poverty

Steven Greenhut, Reason

Conservatives would no doubt use government differently than liberals, but libertarians have good reason to doubt that the results will be better.

Bond Vigilantes Gain A Foothold

Nelson D. Schwartz, New York Times

There is little evidence for a big jump in prices, but some economists and bond investors fear President Biden's policies could lead to inflation.

5-Chart Friday: Planes, Trains & Automobiles

Charlie Bilello, Compound Advisors

5 charts from the past week that tell an interesting story in markets and investing…

Why So Many People Intend To Die With Money In The Bank

Peter Coy, BBW

Close to two-thirds say "saving as much as I can makes me feel happy and fulfilled."

How Much Income Makes You "Rich"?

Ben Carlson, A Wealth Of Common Sense

If the last year or so has taught us anything about U.S. government debt, it should be that we don't need to "pay" for more spending.The money is essentially created out of thin air by issuing mor

Why Inflation Is About To Really Heat Up

Steve Goldstein, MarketWatch

Inflation is set to surge just as the Federal Reserve thinks it will recede.

Capitalism Is Dead, Long Live Debtism

Sebastien Canderle, Enterprising Investor

Should a loan that one neither intends nor is required to repay be considered debt or equity?

Jeff Bezos Starts A Twitter War With Sanders/Warren

Jason Del Rey, Vox

Snarky tweets targeting Senators Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren came after the CEO told execs they weren't pushing back hard enough on critics.

Anything Can Happen. Anything.

J.C. Parets, All Star Charts

In the wake of this week's events, I thought I would take a moment to remind everyone that nothing should surprise you.

Say No to More COVID-19 Relief Spending

Veronique de Rugy, Reason

The scale of the current relief efforts means that many Americans received more income during this pandemic than they did before it.

New Job Description: Marijuana Psychic

Tyler Cowen, Marginal Revolution

It is illegal to sell or gift marijuan in Maine. But it isn't illegal to return marijuana to someone who lost it.

It's Comeback Time For America's Pastime

Editors, The Christian Science Monitor

Opening day this year for Major League Baseball could bring a renewal of fan affection and for the game itself.

Is It Time for a Boston Tea Party for Vaccines?

Christian Britschgi, Reason

Would vaccine vigilantes be justified in stealing and distributing AstraZeneca doses locked up by order of the government?
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