
Why More U.S. Inflation Is Right Around the Corner

Steve Hanke, National Review

The recently released Consumer Price Index numbers should be seen as a harbinger of what's to come.

Surging CPI More Math Quirkiness Than Inflation

Market Minder, Fisher Investments

Surging CPI is more math quirkiness than inflation.

Jamie Dimon's $500 Billion Opening to Equitable Mortgages

Karen Petrou, Hill

It's not often we find a win-win policy — more credit without more risk — but the few, easy changes that would sharply increase mortgage opportunity are an example.

Taxing Rich Will Prove a Big Negative For the Middle

Adam Brandon, Newsmax

Taxes invariably hurt those with the least the most.

Where's Dr. Fauci As Another Corona-Myth Dies?

John Tamny, RealClearMarkets

Since March of 2020 nervous, but obviously well-to-do Americans have quite literally been "quarantining" packages shipped to them, and that were dropped off at their residences by "science-denying" untouchables who were too poor to not be sheltering-in-place. The package-terrified have usually waited 48 hours before touching said box and contents. What about the Clorox wipes that were never in stock thanks to frantic science believers clearing the shelves of them? And that was just at home.

Let's Shut Down the Pity Party For Those w/Student Debt

Beth Akers, USA Today

Though many are calling for debt cancellation, having a college degree gives you the advantage of higher pay and more job security.

Economics or Culture War for GOP: Can't Have Both

James Pethokoukis, Week

Republicans want to be a workers party now — but the culture war keeps getting in the way

Workers Don't Share Democrats' Union Nostalgia

Michael Barone, The Examiner

It wasn't even close. The final count was 1,798 against and 738 for, 71% to 29%.

The GOP/Big Business Marriage Is On the Rocks

Thomas Edsall, New York Times

But the internal contradictions of "woke capitalism" are a mixed blessing for the Democratic Party.

Stocks Owned By Index Fund Owners May Surprise

Brett Arends, MarketWatch

You may be surprised what stocks you hold if you're invested in an S&P 500 index

You Should Probably Start Paying Attention to Bitcoin

Rebecca Heilweil, Vox

As Coinbase goes public, cryptocurrency is more mainstream than ever.

Madoff's Secrets Revealed By His Prison Pen Pal

Jim Campbell, New York Post

For 12 years, business journalist Jim Campbell has interviewed members of Bernie Madoff's family and exchanged letters with the fraudster himself in prison. His new book, "Madoff Talks," comes out …

Our View As Reopening Begins

Daniel Kern & Renee Kwok, TFC Financial Management

How Can I Stop Living Paycheck to Paycheck?

Carrie Schwab-Pomerantz, Schwab

Living paycheck to paycheck can feel like you're on an endless financial treadmill. Here's how to jump off.

Housing Boom to Continue

Brian Wesbury & Robert Stein, First Trust Advisors

Is Faster CPI Here to Stay?

Richard Moody, Regions Bank

Will Rising Federal Debt Slow Econ. Growth?

Liz Ann Sonders, Charles Schwab

Over the past 70 years, rising government debt generally has been accompanied by weaker economic activity. But it's not a simple relationship.

Analyzing the Energy Rally

Russell Redenbaugh & James Juliano, Kairos Capital Mgmt.

Speculative Trades Take a Breather

Liz Ann Sonders & Kevin Gordon, Charles Schwab

Trendy and speculative trades have gained micro bubble status and rolled over of late, but their weakness hasn't infected the broader market.

Biden's Infrastructure Is a D.C. 'Power Grab'

Rep. Jason Smith, Washington Examiner

When President Joe Biden recently announced a $2.3 trillion spending plan, on the heels of the nearly $2 trillion bailout bill enacted in March, some Democrats in Washington complained. Their complaints: The price tag was not big enough, and the Washington power grab was not ambitious enough.

Biden Achieves a Radical Reimagining

Molly Kinder & Martha Ross, New York Times

President Biden understands that caregiving is infrastructure, and that all families need it.

Biden's First 100 Days: Changing The Tax Code

Kalev Leetaru, RealClearPolitics

RealClear Opinion Research recently conducted a poll about Biden's first 100 days in office. One of the questions asked was about changing the tax code and raising corporate tax rates to 28%. The timeline below shows monthly mentions of law enforcement on television news over the past decade, showing it was a significant topic in the aftermath of the Great Recession and again in 2016-2017 with the Trump administration's tax cuts, but there has been no major increase in coverage since Biden's election. Fox News has mentioned taxation the most of the three channels over the past decade and CNN...

Coinbase and Its High Valuation

David Trainer & Kyle Guske & Matt Shuler, MarketWatch

Coinbase may be a good company, but COIN, valued at $100 billion, is not an attractive stock to own.

Mike Rowe Further Debunks Min. Wage

Brad Polumbo, Fdn. for Economic Education

The reality TV star's poignant warning is borne out by the statistics.

Mises About Intellectual Obligation During Times of Crisis

Jeffrey Tucker, AIER

"Are we willing to throw ourselves into the intellectual battle to make things right, to restore and secure essential liberties and rights, to erect barriers that make it impossible for the ruling class ever to attempt such an experiment again? Or will we be grateful that we can at least...

The Right's Anti-Business Turn Could Prove Very Unfortunate

Eli Lehrer, Hill

Business' rejection of so many key Republican priorities in Georgia and elsewhere shows that the party has given up standing for the most successful, entrepreneurial segments of America.

Bernard Madoff Dies. Hear the Last, 2013 Interview With Him

Aaron Smith, CNN

Editor's note: This story was originally published on May 16, 2013 and has been updated with Madoff's death.

How Biden Can Free America From Its Zoning Straitjacket

Edward Glaeser, NYT

If a state wants funds for infrastructure, it should meet strict conditions about housing construction.

Shabby Tourist Treatment Threatens New York City

Nicole Gelinas, New York Post

Here's an economic-development idea for Gotham's political class: How about we stop shooting and stabbing our tourists? In the past few months, visitors from Kansas to Belgium have braved a p…

This Vaping Visionary Became a Billionaire Vy. Quickly

Giacomo Tognini, Forbes

Kate Wang, 39, jumped into the ranks of the world's richest when her vaping company RLX went public on the New York Stock Exchange in January. Now the Procter & Gamble and Uber veteran faces looming threats from Chinese regulators and skeptical investors.

Fauci At a Baseball Game Reveals Horrors of Experts

John Tamny, The Daily Wire

Imagine a future defined by the past. For the purpose of When Politicians Panicked, imagine a future of laughing, cheering, joyous crowds at amusement

Fisher Investments on Election-Year Uncertainty: This, Too, Shall Pass

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Ken Fisher on Nixing the VIX

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Three Lessons From The World's Greatest Ponzi Scheme

Jamie Powell, FT

Beware bond-like volatility with equity-like returns

Some Dark Clouds On The Horizon?

Scott Grannis, Calafia Beach Pundit

It's fairly clear to all that the near-term outlook is rosy. But there are some potential problems developing.

When Wealth Isn't Real

Nick Maggiulli, Of Dollars And Data

On the illusionary nature of wealth and why it sometimes doesn't exist.

No Losses Allowed

Joshua M Brown, The Reformed Broker

Banks are insanely profitable.

Biden Is Repeating Obama's Infrastructure Mistakes

Milton Ezrati, City Journal

Using corporate tax hikes to finance the plan is self-defeating.

10 Solid Dividend-Paying Stocks on Sale

Susan Dziubinski, Morningstar

We think the payouts on these names are sustainable.

A Triumph of Democracies?

Editors, The Christian Science Monitor

One vision from a U.S. government think tank imagines how innovation and scientific progress could pave the way.
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