
Why Politicizing Business Is So Bad For Business

Bobby Jindal, Washington Examiner

It seems almost quaint to recall Tipper Gore's campaign for warning labels on explicit music lyrics, back when companies feared cultural controversies and offending consumer groups advocating for traditional values. Much has changed since 1997 when national brands including J.C. Penney, Chrysler, and Wendy's refused to advertise on "The Puppy Episode" of The Ellen Show, when she announced she was gay.

Re-Opening Orders Force Workers to Risk Lives

Michael Hiltzik, Los Angeles Times

By removing unemployment benefits, states are forcing workers to risk their lives

Suffering the Ignorance of Experts

Alex Salter, American Institute for Economic Research

Even With Infections Dropping, CA Extends Lockdown

Phillip Sprincin, City Journal

Even with infections dropping, the Bay Area extends its shelter-in-place order.

Falling Prices Signal a New Risk for Struggling Economy

Paul Davidson, USA Today

Falling Prices Are Not 'Deflation.' They Signal Booming Growth

John Tamny, RCM

In 1980 the supergroup Fleetwood Mac was on yet another one of its extravagant world tours. Band patriarch Mick Fleetwood was dating Sara Recor at the time, and this was problematic simply...

The GOP Strives To Make Workers Poorer, Less Safe

Eric Levitz, New York Magazine

In negotiations over the next round of coronavirus stimulus, congressional Republicans are pushing to block an extension of federal unemployment benefits and to enable corporations to violate workplace safety standards with impunity.

Will Airlines Keep Their Distance From Covid-19?

Arnold Barnett, RealClearMarkets

In late April, American Airlines Flight 2669 took off nearly full from Miami for LaGuardia with only half the passengers wearing masks. An alarmed passenger described the experience on...

What 92 Years of S&P History Say About Market's Direction

Mark Decambre, MW

Since 1928, reviewing the past 25 bear markets, there has been a lower price put in by the S&P 500 index 60% of the time

Will BlackRock Be Investment Fiduciary or Political Activist?

Rupert Darwall, Hill

BlackRock and its shareholder activists are using corporate governance statutes to usurp regulatory functions that properly belong to government.

China Operating More Like a Trade Enemy, Than Ally

Andy Puzder & Bill Hagerty, Fox

China's efforts to conceal and destroy evidence regarding coronavirus expose this regime's true intentions.

Michael Moore Exposes 'Green Energy' As Fraudulent

Steven Mosher, New York Post

When Michael Moore's latest documentary opened on Earth Day to attacks from fellow leftists, including calls for censorship, it got my attention.

Mkt. Returns of 'Best Places to Work'

Andrew Chamberlain & Zanele Munyikwa, Glassdoor

Post-Coronavirus Debt Could Explode

Brian Riedl, Manhattan Institute

The baseline deficit at the beginning of 2020 was $1 trillion. Covid-19 response bills could add more than $3 trillion to that estimate.

Time to Sell in May?

Ryan Detrick, LPL Financial Research

Record Decline In Spending Won't Last for Long

Richard Moody, Regions Bank

Markets Confident. But Are They Right?

Brad McMillan, Commonwealth Financial Network

Looking for Best Place to Stash Your Cash?

Carrie Schwab-Pomerantz, Charles Schwab

There are many places to stash your cash, but the shorter your timeframe the more careful you need to be, says Carrie Schwab-Pomerantz.

QE Infinity and Beyond

Brian Wesbury & Robert Stein, First Trust Advisors

Four Investment Lessons From The Virus Crisis

Larry Swedroe, TEBI

All stock market crashes provide valuable investment lessons, and the latest one is no exception.

The Most Expensive Stock Market In Two Decades

Matt Egan, CNN Business

The coronavirus pandemic has exposed a gaping disconnect between unprecedented economic pain on Main Street and extreme optimism on Wall Street.

From Lockdown to Lock-In

Simon Johnson and Peter Boone, Project Syndicate

Gone are the days of short international travel, or long trips visiting multiple countries. In the absence of universal vaccination against the coronavirus, tighter constraints on human mobility will presumably remain in place â?" perhaps for a long time.

It's Just Another Manic Market

Ben Carlson, A Wealth Of Common Sense

In February the S&P 500 fell more than 8%. Not to be outdone, March was one of the worst months in market history, dropping more than 12%: Just to keep investors on their heels, April followed up one of the worst months in history with one of the best ever.

The COVID-19 Rent Crisis Is Here

Kate Knibbs, Wired

As unemployment surges, calls to cancel rent are growing louder. In New York, thousands are planning a rent strike for May, while landlords ask for a federal bailout.

Only A Reverse Bail-In Can Save The Economy Now

Simon Gleeson, FT Alphaville

In this post he argues more debt is not the answer to helping businesses transition to a post-lockdown world. The banking system will face an over-leveraged real economy, and the result must be the conversion of bank claims on the real economy into equity in that economy.

The PPP Missed Its Target

Various, Pro Market

A new study shows that CARES Act funds to support small companies and prevent mass layoffs did not flow to areas more adversely affected by the pandemic.

Older Workers Will Pay A High Price In COVID Crisis

Paul Brandus, MarketWatch

Even in good times, age discrimination is rampant

Fisher Investments on Election-Year Uncertainty: This, Too, Shall Pass

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Ken Fisher on Nixing the VIX

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Will Uncle Sam Force Big Tech to Break Up?

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Shattering the Debt Ceiling Myth

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Ready to Reopen? Not So Fast....

John Cochrane, The Grumpy Economist

I've been on the "reopen fast but smart" bandwagon for weeks. The reopening is coming. Are we ready? I'm afraid not.

What In The World Is Up With Elon Musk?

Emily Stewart, Vox

Elon Musk declared he's selling all his possessions, said Tesla's stock price was too high, and called to "free America" in a matter of minutes.

The Fed's Faustian Bargain

Daniel Tenreiro, National Review

The Fed's unprecedented response to the COVID-19 crisis was merited by the bleak economic outlook, but it could amount to a Faustian bargain.

Inside The Weird, Get-Rich-Quick World of Dropshipping

Sirin Kale, Wired

In Bali, western immigrants are selling products they've never handled, from countries they've never visited, to consumers they've never met.

From Engineer, Waitress & Chef To Farmers

Mick Krever & Nic Robertson, CNN

Some locals are picking up seasonal work on farms in southeast England after being furloughed or let go because of the coronavirus outbreak.

Bubble 3.0: The End Game

David Hay, Evergreen Gavekal

This book has clearly been an indictment of Fed policies over the last twenty-five years. Some will no doubt think it has been unfair, particularly when, like now, the Fed is in its fire brigade mode.

Where's The Fire In Treasuries?

John Cochrane, The Grumpy Economist

Just where was the fire that caused the Federal Reserve to buy $1.3 trillion of treasury debt in a month -- financing all treasury sales and then some?
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