
Why Tesla's Soaring Price Doesn't Make It An Investment

Joseph Calhoun, Alhambra

We have the luxury, the honor, of speaking to a lot of individual investors here at Alhambra. Whether they are clients or future clients (optimism is my default condition), the most common view of ?

Why Does Bitcoin Have Value?

Jeffrey Tucker, American Institute for Economic Research

Even after eleven years experience, and a per Bitcoin price of nearly $20,000, the incredulous are still with us. I understand why. Bitcoin is not like other traditional financial assets. Even describing it as an asset is misleading. It is not the same as a stock, as a payment system, or a money. It has features of all these but it is not identical to them. What Bitcoin is depends on its use as a means of storing and porting value, which in turn rests of secure titles to ownership of a scarce good. Those without experience in the sector look at all of this and get frustrated that...

Americans Must Be Given Stimulus Checks

Natalie Foster & David Chase, MarketWatch

Financial support during the pandemic is good policy and good politics

After Pandemic Recovery, We Must Tackle National Debt

Maya MacGuineas, CNN

Few of our political leaders are eager to deal with the national debt.

How Hospital Monopolies Broke the Health Care System

Susie Cagle, The Nation

Corporate consolidation has left the US with a health care system built for profit, not people.

Will Biden Try Nationally What CA Voters Rejected Locally?

Kerry Jackson, I & I

The former vice president supports a labor bill that would be a government boot on workers' throats, a malign and destructive force.

We Lost An Urban Pioneer With the Death of Tony Hsieh

Aaron Renn, City Journal

The death of Tony Hsieh is the loss of an urban pioneer.

Rest In Peace Walter Williams, & Keep Suffering No Fools

Jimmy Sengenberger, WE

When I first listened to Rush Limbaugh as a 12-year-old child in my grandpa's car, I had no idea that I would launch a talk show-hosting career myself, or what I would learn from Limbaugh's show and from whom I would learn it. Enter Walter E. Williams, noted free market economist, fervent individual liberty advocate, syndicated columnist, prolific author, and John M. Olin Distinguished professor of Economics at George Mason University.

Inadequate Tribute to Greatest Man I've Ever Known

Donald Boudreaux, Cafe Hayek

Over the next few weeks I will write much more about my late colleague and cherished friend Walter Williams. I will do so not merely as an exercise in self-indulgence, but also – I’d like to think chiefly – as a deserved tribute to a uniquely talented, influential, and courageous human being. Walter was a special man, a dear man, a lovely man. He was, in fact, a truly great man. Walter was also an incredibly insightful economist, one whose brilliance he himself hid in plain sight within the disarming clarity of his prose.

Does 'Fantasy' Economy Have Legs Beyond Sports?

John Tamny, RealClearMarkets

“In reality all economic activity outside the stationary state is speculation” – Ludwig von Mises, Socialism, p. 181-182 The upside-down world shaped by political panic over the virus perhaps unsurprisingly created winners and losers. Somewhat surprisingly given last March’s stock-market collapse in response to the rather sudden imposition of command-and-control, day trading was one of the winners. It was seemingly given life by the shuttering of so much that has long given life meaning. A nation always transfixed by sports suddenly had to do without. What...

No Encouraging FTC's Section 13(b) Abuses

Kirk Arner & Harold Furchtgott-Roth, RCM

Congress is considering whether to amend the Federal Trade Commission’s authority under Section 13(b) of the Federal Trade Commission Act. The answer is clearly “No.” Here’s why. Imagine you’re in your car, driving down the road. Suddenly, you’re pulled over by a police officer, who issues you a ticket. You ask the officer what law you broke. He can’t name one; he simply says you were driving too dangerously. And, as it turns out, the local law laying out the authority of police officers does not grant them the ability to issue...

Nominal 1% Wages Up 160% Since 1979, Bottom 20 Up 26%

Paul Ausick, 24/7 Wall.

A new report from the Economic Policy Institute shows how the rise in wages over the past four decades has favored those who are at the top and rewarded most of all those in the top 0.1% of earners.

Fractional Shares: A New Way to Invest

Carrie Schwab-Pomerantz, Charles Schwab

What are fractional shares? This week's Ask Carrie explains how they work and how they can make stock investing easier and more accessible.

Looking Into the Future for Markets

Brad McMillan, Commonwealth Financial Network

S&P 4,200 - Dow Jones 35,000

Brian Wesbury & Robert Stein, First Trust Advisors

Pandemic Currency Panic

Russell Redenbaugh & James Juliano, Kairos Capital Management

When Nurses Travel

Joshua Gottlieb & Avi Zenilman, University of Chicago

2021 Muni Bond Outlook: Storm Clouds Clearing

Cooper Howard, Charles Schwab

We expect the municipal bond market to return to a sense of normalcy in 2021.

Charting a Good Value Investing Story

Jeff Troutner, Equius Partners

The U.S. Doesn't Need Nancy Pelosi's Absurd Stimulus Bill

Stephen Moore, The Hill

The nation does not need one more unwise federal bailout.

Congress Must Prop Up the Economy Through Winter

Neil Irwin, The New York Times

A roaring recovery is in sight, but a lot depends on what Congress does next for the winter economy.

Bill de Blasio Lays Yet Another Wet Blanket On NYC

Nicole Gelinas, New York Post

Blas is bent on ruining Midtown's Christmas. Did you really think 2020 couldn't get dumber? On Wednesday, Rockefeller Center will light its Christmas...

He Delivered Pizza for the Hut, But Now Nears a Billion

Alexandra Sternlicht, Forbes

Let Nike pay billions for superstars to rock the swoosh. Twenty-eight-year-old Ben Francis has become a near-billionaire by paying relative pennies to social media fitness fanatics to pump up his brand.

How to Get the Most Out of Others

Lawrence Reed, Foundation for Economic Education


Myth of Biden's 100% Renewable Energy Pledge

Kevin Mooney, Washington Examiner

If you thought President-elect Joe Biden's promise to go carbon neutral within 15 years was merely campaign rhetoric, think again.

Why the Oil Industry Perhaps Narrowly Avoided Election Disaster

Matt Egan, CNN

The gloom-and-doom dominating the oil industry is finally starting to ease just a bit.

A Power Imbalance In New York Threatens Its Economy

E.J. McMahon, City Journal

With legislative supermajorities in Albany, Democrats look poised to push the state even further leftward.

Time to Move Federal Government Jobs Around the Country

Chad Bayse, The Hill

We are in the Digital Age when jobs are scarce. It is time for the federal government to reflect this reality.

Congressional Pork Is the Path to Good Government

Editorial, The New York Times

Nothing greases the gears of government quite like pork.

AOC's Latest Flunks Economics 101

Brad Polumbo, Foundation for Economic Education

Say what you will about left-wing darling Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, but she knows how to get a message across on social media. One of the youngest members of the House of Representatives, the New York Democrat and socialist boasts 8.1 million Instagram followers.

Pacific Free Trade Deal, Revisited for the Biden Era

Dan Hannan, Washington Examiner

"The Pacific Ocean," prophesied William H Seward in 1852, "its shores, its islands and the vast regions beyond, will become the chief theatre of events in the world's great hereafter."

Fisher Investments on Election-Year Uncertainty: This, Too, Shall Pass

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Ken Fisher on Nixing the VIX

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Will Uncle Sam Force Big Tech to Break Up?

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Shattering the Debt Ceiling Myth

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Why Modern Finance Is Ruining the World

Julie Segal, Institutional Investor

There are plenty of investment opportunities to go around â?" yet investment professionals spend their time fighting over the limited alpha in tradable markets. Rishi Ganti and Orthogon Partners have a different idea.

The Artificial Intelligence Threat Isn't Science Fiction

James Miller, Quillette

The time to begin planning our response, and designing systems to give humanity a fighting chance, is now.

Forgiving Student Debt Would Not Stimulate Growth

Sam Rutzick, Reason

Despite Elizabeth Warren's contention that it is the "single most effective economic stimulus that is available through executive action," forgiving student debt is a bad idea.

The Beginning Of The Roaring 2020s

Ed Yardeni, Dr. Ed's Blog

With viruses and treatments coming early next year 2021 may mark the beginning of another Roaring 20s.

Why Banks Are Flocking to Bern & Zurich For Dollars

Claire Jones, FT Alphaville

Looks like global banks have found a nice little swap line discrepancy.

3 Year End Tax Moves That Can Improve Your Portfolio

Christine Benz, Morningstar

Late in the bull market, appreciated assets can be ripe for the picking by the charitably inclined.

Will Moneyball Crack the Active Management Game?

Julie Segal, Institutional Investor

Billy Beane seems to think so.
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