
Why Texas Embodies Economic Future of America

Steven Pedigo, New York Times

The idea of the Lone Star state as a herald of the national future is not just terrifying to liberals.

Government Worsens Reality With Its Fealty to Statistic

Donald Boudreaux, AIER

"The seemingly objective and straightforward reality is, in fact, a distorted reality. Government policy based upon such a distorted understanding of reality is likely to worsen the true reality." ~ Donald J. Boudreaux

Facebook Revelations Are 'Shocking.' Congress Must Act

Allison Morrow, CNN

After a roller coaster 24 hours for Facebook — in which a whistleblower lodged damning claims at at the site, its stock fell 5% and the company suffered a more than five-hour outage across its most popular apps — the spotlight has shifted to Congress and what, if anything, lawmakers are willing to do to rein in the social media behemoth.

FB Should Stage Routine Outages to Awaken Dopey Critics

John Tamny, RCM

In his excellent new memoir, An Especially Good View, Peter Osnos writes of how he was viewed as the "Best Dressed" reporter at the Washington Post. This designation proved challenging once he was posted to the newspaper's Moscow bureau. Suits taken to the cleaners came back without buttons. Shoes taken to the cobbler had nails coming up through the insoles. And getting a haircut was a non-starter. The famously well-put-together Osnos was reduced to having his wife cut his hair, along with her own. Such is life in countries where the profit motive doesn't inform economic activity.

Google's Plan to Shrink Pay for Remote Workers Is a Bad Idea

Rani Molla, Vox

Google's plan to cut pay for remote workers who relocate is a bad idea

How to Not Panic Sell During the Bear Market

Dan Ferris, American Consequences

With stock evaluations mirroring the art world in terms of sheer absurdity, we're close to topping out – here's how to not panic-sell.

Pundit Reaction to Mkt. Volatility Says Much About Sentiment

Market Minder, FI

Pundits' reaction to volatility says a lot about sentiment.

Congress's Dangerous Meddling w/Credit Card Fees

Steve Forbes, What's Ahead

​​Congress is mulling over an idea to control what credit card issuers can charge merchants when you use your plastic to buy something. This move will empowe...

Keep the Corporate Tax Simple, Lose the Special Favors

Philip Cohen, The Hill

There is an opportunity to address some real needs of the American people, but tax changes need to be accomplished in a manner that is effective, relatively simple and without enriching a few campaign contributors under the guise of reform.

Dems Will Use These Tricks To Make $3.5T Bill Smaller

Brian Riedl, New York Post

Progressives, in order to cut the bill's cost closer to $4 trillion, the bill's authors included a December 2025 expiration of the $130 billion annual expansion of the child tax credit.

Why It's Time to Mothball the Monopolistic FDA

Walter Block, RealClearMarkets

Competition tends to bring about a better product or service, at a lower price, than does monopoly. This is a basic premise of virtually all economists, disputed by pretty much no one in the profession. Our entire anti-trust edifice is built upon this foundational aspect of the dismal science. And yet when push comes to shove, our society jettisons this insight, at least when it comes to assuring the quality of our food and drugs. The Food and Drug Administration is a monopoly agency entrusted with this task. Its word is final concerning such matters. No competition is allowed. If a private...

The Forbes 400:The Definitive List of America's Richest People

Editors, Forbes

The Forbes 400 is the definitive list of the richest Americans, ranking the country's wealthiest billionaires by their net worths.

The Cost of Lockdowns

Brian Wesbury & Robert Stein, First Trust Advisors

Economic Outlook: Still Rising

Preston Caldwell, Morningstar

We think high inflation will be temporary.

State, Local Governments w/Most Debt Per Capita

Marko Csokasi, Commodity.com

Find out which US states owe the most dept per capita. You'll find a summary of the 15 most endebted local US governments and more.

It's All Over for Japan (and That's Good)

Jeffrey Kleintop, Charles Schwab

Japanese stocks have rebounded to 30-year highs and became the world's best performers in September and the third quarter.

China's PMI Dip: Another Brick In Wall of Worry

Market Minder, Fisher Investments

Manufacturing PMI contractions aren't unusual in China.

A Preview of Earnings In the 3rd Quarter

Pat O'Hare, Briefing.com

How Major Assets Performed in September 2021

James Picerno, Capital Spectator

Global markets suffered their broadest retreat in a year during September. The bullish exception: commodities, which delivered a solid gain last month. Cash, as usual these days, was flat. Otherwise, red ink dominated performances for the major asset classes last month.

Elizabeth Warren and Her Crowd Coming For Your Wealth

Antony Davies, AIER

"Federal spending is out of control. Politicians know it and they know that they can't stop it. A day of reckoning is coming. Politicians hope that we'll keep pointing fingers at the rich so we don't notice who the real culprits are." ~ Antony Davies

With Its Budget Priorities, Congress Tells Sad Story

Michael Cohen, MSNBC.com

Congress is more interested in preparing for an unlikely war with China than helping Americans at home.

Debt Ceiling Compromise Should Be Made for Taxpayers

Andrew Lautz, The Hill

Politicians should implement a bipartisan plan to get our country's finances back in order.

White House Uses Bogus Study to Justify Its Tax Hikes

Travis Nix, The Examiner

With President Joe Biden's approval ratings in decline and his $3.5 trillion spending package losing key Democratic support, his administration has resorted to making up a new definition of income as a way to scare the public and Congress into supporting his job-killing tax hikes.

Kathy Hochul's Chance to Bring Growth Back to NY

Nicole Gelinas, New York Post

With Andrew Cuomo's cronyism vanished, Gov. Kathy Hochul has an opportunity to steer New York state away from the progressive's hurtful taxes on high income earners, Nicole Gelinas writes.

End of a 'Gilded Age': China Brings Business to Heel

Paul Mozur, New York Times

Executives sit in jail, tech companies are being reined in and the biggest developer is teetering. It's the beginning of a new era for China's economy.

How the Coronavirus Has Corrupted My Left-Wing Tribe

David Smith, Brownstone

I have always been a liberal, left-leaning in my politics, a devout adherent to principles such as liberty, free speech, tolerance, compassion, and personal autonomy over my body—a fierce defender of "My Body, My Choice."

Our Obsession With 'Status,' And How It Distorts Our Behavior

Sean Illing, Vox

Author Will Storr on our universal obsession with status and how it distorts so much of human behavior.

Democrats Are Remaking the U.S. w/Taxpayer Dollars

Jessica Anderson, The Hill

If Democrats prevail here, this would be the final nail in the coffin for all that Donald Trump was able to accomplish. The success from Trump's tax cuts, pro-life policies, and overall America First agenda will all be erased.

When America's Very Rich Rail Against the 'Elites'

Jane Coaston, New York Times

Coastal elites may have power. But so do the wealthy — all over America.

The House Tax Bill Would Hit Middle Class

Bruce Thompson, Washington Examiner

A new congressional report shows that the tax increase bill approved by the House Ways and Means Committee would increase taxes on millions of taxpayers making less than $400,000. That would violate a pledge President Joe Biden has made repeatedly.

Biden's Tax Hike: Political Calculus & Econ. Cost

Dan Mitchell, International Liberty

There are lots of reasons (here are five of them) to dislike the version of the Biden tax hike that was approved by the tax-writing committee in the House of Representatives. From an economic persp…

Fisher Investments on Election-Year Uncertainty: This, Too, Shall Pass

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Ken Fisher on Nixing the VIX

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Shattering the Debt Ceiling Myth

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Are U.S. Housing Prices Becoming Unaffordable?

Ben Carlson, AWOCS

A 20% gain for national home prices over a one year period is absolutely nuts.

"Non-profit" Housing at NYT

John Cochrane, The Grumpy Economist

Non-profit does not = moral.

Are We Craving Risk or Losing Reward?

Nick Maggiulli, Of Dollars And Data

On changing investor behavior and what really drives investment decisions.

David Einhorn's Market Nihilism

Jamie Powell, FT Alphaville

The famed investor gives his thoughts on a market that's lost its marbles.

The Good News for Upcoming Retirees

John Rekenthaler, Morningstar

They can spend more from their nest eggs than first appears.

The Uncontained Spark

Ben Hunt, Epsilon Theory

There is an uncontained spark in the financial world today, a spark that emerged from the unlikeliest of places, a federal courthouse in Florida. It's a spark with the potential to light a searing bonfire under Robinhood and Citadel.

South Dakota: Tax Haven for the Global Elite

Caleb Ecarma, Vanity Fair

Leaked financial records reveal how the rich and powerful are sheltering their wealth in the Mount Rushmore State. "My concern," says one former state senator, is that "we become like Switzerland or Panama."
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