
Why the About-Face With SPACs Is Actually Bullish

Ken Fisher, RealClearMarkets

What happened to all those SPACs? Earlier this year, special-purpose acquisition companies were market darlings—and symbols of stocks' building emergent froth. These "blank-check" firms appealed to investors seeking quick, easy windfalls, starting to echo 2000's IPO boom-a-thon turned bust-a-vortex. Today? Poof! Former President Trump's new eyeball-grabbing deal aside, SPACs have nearly disappeared due to big blowups and regulatory woes. No surprise—SPACs never held market magic. Viewed correctly, though, they do help foretell stocks' future. Here is why their about-face is actually...

What a Difference Month Makes. Investors Getting Greedy

Paul La Monica, CNN

What a difference a month makes.

How SCOTUS Can Save Biden's Economic Plan

Jonathan Chait, New York Magazine

Conservative judicial activism to the rescue!

How Inept Managers Are Making Labor Crisis Worse

Allison Schrager, Bloomberg

It's being called the Great Resignation.

It's All Abt Spending, Stupid. Stop Obsessing Over Taxes

Zachary Karabell, Time

Even though the Build Back Better bill looks likely to pass, the Democrats blew their moment by focusing on taxes rather than spending

App Store Legislation Is a Dangerous Cybersecurity Trick

Patrick Hedger, RCM

One of the basic rules of childhood is you do not accept candy from strangers. Yet, every year this rule is effectively ignored on Halloween. While the risks are never zero, children go door to door to ask for candy because of some commonplace safeguards. Parents usually accompany small children, set rules for how long their older kids can be out and how far they can go, and most parents will look through the haul at the end of the night for anything suspicious. There's also the fact that a lot of trick or treating doesn't occur amongst strangers, but rather amongst neighbors. Even if kids...

Stop Relying on Games and Gimmicks with Spending

Maya MacGuineas, The Hill

Policymakers will need to choose what to keep, what to shrink, what to better target, what to set aside, and how to pay for it all.

Don't Fall for Left's Kind Wording: They Hate & They Destroy

Rob Smith, RCM

The most important job of a father is to teach his son how to be a man and to teach his daughter how a man is supposed to be. Nothing is more sacred to a father than protecting his little girl. The day my first daughter was born, I made a promise to myself. I kept this promise. On her very first date, I had a double barrel shotgun broken over my lap. I was stroking the barrel with gun oil and giving the boy the steely eye when he walked in the room to meet me. The message was clear, don't mess with my little girl. Brothers have a similar duty. A few years back, that same daughter was living...

Real Estate Commission Structures Require a Changing

Will Fried, Boston Herald

Earlier this month, the Boston Herald editorial board called on the National Association of Realtors to change a set of rules that it believes is anticompetitive and serves to keep real estate comm…

Dem Plans to Tax the Rich: American As Apple Pie

Paul Krugman, New York Times

Democrats' plans aren't "Marxism." They're as American as apple pie.

Dems' Latest Terrible Idea. Taxing Non-Existent Profits.

Charles Gasparino, NYP

To pay for the $5 trillion love letter to progressives, the Democrats have floated taxing "unrealized capital gains."

The Man Who Built River Oaks With Its Oil Riches

Michael Ennis, Texas Monthly

Architect John Staub, the forgotten genius of River Oaks, transformed a few nondescript Houston streets into Millionaires' Row.

Comparing Inflation Hedges Among Asset Classes

Jerry Bowyer, Vident Financial

Let's zoom in and look at some indices during periods of high and low inflation.

Slower Growth In Third Quarter

Brian Wesbury & Robert Stein, First Trust Advisors

New Home Sales: Don't Get Too Attached to Headline

Richard Moody, Regions

ECB Meeting Will Be a Preview of FOMC

Richard Moody, Regions Bank

The Elements of a Smart Trade Plan

Lee Bohl, Charles Schwab

Find out why you should have a trade plan—and the five elements that may help you put it to work successfully.

Indexes That Do Well When Inflation Is High

Jerry Bowyer, Vident Financial

High inflation doesn't just raise prices; it raises an important question for investors: Which investments historically tend to do relatively well during periods of elevated inflation?

The States Most Reliant On Investment Industry

Marko Csokasi, Commodity.com

Learn which states depend most on securities trading. We explain the total share of securities trading as part of state GDP and more.

Wall Street Doesn't Care About FB Leaks. Zuckerberg Does.

Shirin Ghaffary, Vox

Facebook's numbers are doing fine for now — but not its reputation.

Bitcoin Comes of Age: The Meaning of Its Place

Jay Caspian Kang, New York Times

What does it mean now that cryptocurrency has joined proper society?

Biden's Failures Summon Return Of Misery Index

Lewis Uhler & Joseph Yocca, I&I

Biden's combination of higher unemployment and inflation is reminiscent of 1970s-era 'malaise.'

Is a Robust Labor Market Masking Underlying Risks?

Vivekanand Jayakumar, Hill

There is a need to use this window of opportunity to initiate fundamental structural reforms in order to put American workers on a firmer footing.

Taxing Billionaires Would Be Easiest Agenda to Pass

Hayes Brown, MSNBC.com

Taxing billionaires should be the easiest part of the Democrats' agenda to pass.

How Remote Work Could Affect 2021 Taxes

Emma Kerr, U.S. News & World Report

Remote work continues to be commonplace amid the coronavirus pandemic, which experts say has only served to speed up the trend of increased teleworking. Remote work is often appealing to employees seeking more flexibility, but in some cases remote work can also offer tax advantages alongside reduced housing and transportation costs.

What the Progressives Miss in the Bitcoin Energy Debate

David Waugh, AIER

"If progressives such as Elizabeth Warren extended their publicly held values of 'fearless consumer advocacy' to also apply to those outside the western world, they would see the value of Bitcoin." ~ David Waugh

The Rich Lecture Us About Warming, Make It Worse

Paula Froelich, New York Post

Why don't these hyper-aware eco-gazillionaires, many of whom have claimed they will give all their money away before they die, simply go for broke and use their own cash to plug holes, build reefs,…

Why Do Banks Charge Us Fees For Not Enough Money?

Tatiana Walk-Morris, Vox

Banks charge customers for not having enough money. It's a tax on the poor.

Don't Let Dems Achieve Cradle-to-Grave Welfare

David Harsanyi, New York Post

The $3.5 trillion bill that Biden and Democrats are now attempting to cram through Congress via reconciliation is meant to create a European-style, cradle-to-grave welfare state.

Insider's Perspective On Food and 'Supply Chain'

Santura Pegram, Foodprocessing

Business consultant and member of the AFL-CIO / International Longshoremen's Association Santura Pegram offers this first-person perspective of the supply chain issues affecting US goods right now.

Fisher Investments on Election-Year Uncertainty: This, Too, Shall Pass

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Ken Fisher on Nixing the VIX

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Will Uncle Sam Force Big Tech to Break Up?

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Shattering the Debt Ceiling Myth

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Two Sides of the Investment Coin

Brian Chingono, Verdad

Profitability and value are two sides of the same coin and ought to be considered as complementary peers or jointly in a combined strategy.

Housing and Recessions

Bill McBride, Calculated Risk

One of my favorite models for business cycle forecasting uses new home sales (also housing starts and residential investment).

A Lot Of Questions About A Tax On Unrealized Cap Gains

Tyler Cowen, MR

What would The Party of Science say?

A Narrow Window For A Soft Landing

macromon, Global Macro Monitor

Who will buy the new issuance of Treasuries when the Fed backs out of the market.

The Bull Case for Bitcoin

John Rekenthaler, Morningstar

An observation, not a recommendation.

Is the Market Always Right?

Charlie Bilello, Compound Advisors

"The Market is always right." One of the most popular sayings which can also be one of the most dangerous.

The Twitter Thread That Saved Christmas?

Neal Freyman, Morning Brew

Flexport CEO's tweetstorm leads to policy change that could help alleviate port backlog
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