
Why Urban Sprawl May Be Boon: Int. With Richard Fisher

Jason Heid, Texas Monthly

In May, I caught up with Richard Fisher, a former president and CEO of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, to talk about the state’s long economic recovery ahead.

Rumors of Death of Office Buildings Are Grossly Exaggerated

John Tamny, RCM

"Our tenuous capital was the hours in the day, less the few we slept, and we spent that capital at a frenzied pace. I'd drop everything to get you the right cardiac surgeon, the right...

Now Is the Time to Set Up a Savings and Investment Plan

Nancy Tengler, USA Today

I confess: I live with a chronic case of avoidance behavior. It flares up around tax filing time, doctor’s appointments, viewing my 401(k) statement in a bear market or taking the garbage out. In short, whenever I have to confront an unpleasant activity of any sort, I’d just, well, rather not. So I understand when people tell me they would rather not talk about their finances right now, since money is tight. But if not now, when? Over the years, I have made great progress in managing my tendency to avoid and I have learned a few things....

Market Partied Like It Was 1932 In Snapback Rally

Jeff Sommer, The New York Times

A remarkable snapback rally, after a deep coronavirus-induced plunge, took stocks into rare and, in some ways, troubling territory.

Why This Could Be Very Turbulent Week for Investors

Mark Decambre, MarketWatch

The ride from here could get a lot bumpier after the Dow registered its worst one-day loss since June 11 on Friday, knocking the blue-chip index to its...

Sorry, Business Insurance Policies Don't Cover Viruses

Sean Kevelighan, Examiner

As America and the world navigate the fallout caused by COVID-19, it's important we focus on solutions that actually help communities and businesses recover. Recent calls for insurers to cover previously uninsured claims miss the mark. They would fail to pass legal muster, leave hundreds of thousands of policyholders vulnerable, and threaten the viability of the financial infrastructure upon which the economy rests.

Circular Economy: A Sensible Way to Achieve Sustainability

John Burnett, RCM

In the months before the coronavirus pandemic, sustainability had become a lightning rod for lawmakers in Washington and New York. But with businesses reeling, we cannot afford to return to the same...

Bluster Won't Get Facebook Through Its Ad Boycott

Sam Jefferies, The Seattle Times

The NAACP and the Anti-Defamation League, among others, on Wednesday called for an advertiser boycott of Facebook.

A Response to Don Boudreaux on Alleged Horrors of Deficits

Gary Marshall, RCM

The very excellent Donald Boudreaux of AIER wrote an article recently, Ignore the Cooing of the Deficit Doves, in which he deplored the dangers of the deficit. He classifies the anti-taxers or those...

GOP's Excuse for Cutting Off Jobless Benefits Is False

Jordan Weissmann, Slate

Republicans claim Americans won't go back to work as long as they're getting government checks. It's immoral and dishonest.

Biden's Tax Increases Will Take Your Money, Job

Lewis Uhler & Peter Ferrara, The Hill

Biden proposes tax increases of $3.8 trillion over the next decade â?" the highest in American history.

Biden Would Be Big Boost for Unions, Govt Sector Esp.

Steven Malanga, City Journal

The Democratic nominee's agenda would give a huge boost to labor organizingâ?"especially in the public sector.

The Treasury Market Is Predicting One 'L' Of a Recovery

Pat O'Hare, Briefing.com

What a C-19 Second Wave May Mean for Investors

Jeffrey Kleintop, Charles Schwab

A second wave of global COVID-19 is getting a lot of media attention, but the appearance of a global second wave of cases is primarily driven by the different timing of first waves across countriesâ?"rather than second waves within countries.

A Quick Survey of "Broken" Asset Classes

John West & Amie Ko, Research Affiliates

When Do Emerging Markets Tend to Outperform?

Jerry Bowyer, Vident Financial

Don't Give Up Too Quickly On Large & Small Value

Jeff Troutner, Equius Partners

The Declining Fiscal Case for Municipal Recycling

Howard Husock, Manhattan Institute

How did a change in Chinese policy make recycling in the U.S. no longer financially feasible? A new report examines the cost-benefit analysis of recycling.

Do Emerging Markets Beat Developed Markets?

Jerry Bowyer, Vident Financial

I'm Beating Wall Street At Its Own Game

Dave Portnoy, Fox Business

All I hear is old-timers say that the "retail bros" are going to get crushed.

How The Fed Enabled A Coronavirus Junk Bond Boom

Jessica Aguirre, Vanity Fair

By eliminating some of the risk, Jerome Powell’s Federal Reserve has made being a junk bond trader “a little more fun recently,” says one. But does the market really need the help?

The Triple Crisis Shaking the World

Joschka Fischer, Project Syndicate

More than just a public-health disaster, the COVID-19 pandemic is a history-defining event with far-reaching implications for the global distribution of wealth and power. With economies in free-fall and geopolitical tensions rising, there can be no return to normal: the past is passed, and only the future counts now.

Value Investing & The Dot Com Boom & Bust

Buttonwood, The Economist

Value investing might not have the same moral authority as today if the dot com boom and bust hadn't happened.

20 Warning Signs To Look For The Next Wirecard

Jemima Kelly, FT Alphaville

20 warning signs to look for in trying to determine the next “Big Disaster”

Donald Trump's Lobster Bailout Explained

Matthew Yglesias, Vox

He's blaming Obama for problems he created

City Fleeing Families Push Up Suburban House Prices

Martha White, NBCNews

The real estate market is hot again, cheering sellers but threatening affordability for suburban and rural buyers competing with cash-flush buyers fleeing cities.

Bigger Isn't Always Better

Mark Hulbert, MarketWatch

Powerful stock-market leaders ultimately take a fall

Fisher Investments on Election-Year Uncertainty: This, Too, Shall Pass

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Ken Fisher on Nixing the VIX

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Will Uncle Sam Force Big Tech to Break Up?

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Shattering the Debt Ceiling Myth

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Being an Expert Means Never Having to Say You're Sorry

Harry Stein, City Journal

Lessons from the front lines

No Revenue, No Profits, No Problem

Michael Johnston, Evergreen Gavekal

It's getting a little speculative out there.

Rethinking The 60/40 Portfolio

Mark Armbruster, Enterprising Investor

The days when investors could rely on traditional bonds as safe, income-producing securities that hedge equity risk and deliver returns that keep pace with inflation are finished.

Mean Reversion Is A Powerful Force

Alicia McElhaney, Institutional Investor

A new paper from Research Affiliates examines the practice of calling an asset class broken and how the assets perform following those declarations.

Why Is CA Targeting Tech Firms That Drive Its Economy?

Steven Greenhut, Reason

There's no need to pity successful companies or grant them special deals, but state officials shouldn't be so blinded by an anti-corporate ideology that they drive businesses away, either.

Market Begins To Internalize Reality

Macromon, Global Macro Monitor

The financial media is beginning assign blame to the recent stock market weakness to the spike in COVID cases and the potential for a November Democratic sweep of the White House and both chambers of Congress

Inside the Coronavirus: What We've Learned

Mark Fischetti, Scientific American

What scientists know about the inner workings of the pathogen that has infected the world
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