
Why We Are Taking On Zillow In Its Own Backyard

Jack Ryan & Lynley Sides, RCM

Zillow made home shopping easier with its ubiquitous search tools. But the Seattle-based company recently broke with its long-time role as an independent platform when it joined the National Association of Realtors (NAR) and agreed to follow the powerful trade group's rules. Many of those rules prop up the legacy models of NAR's own members at the expense of consumers who are forced to pay thousands—if not, tens of thousands of dollars—in excessive realtor commissions every time they buy and sell a home. That's why our company, REX, is challenging one of those rules in Zillow's backyard,...

The Economy Is Spinning Its Wheels, and About to Take Off

Paul Krugman, NYT

The bad news is a byproduct of extraordinary good news.

Biden White House Makes 4 Big Econ. Mistakes In 4 Months

Liz Peek, The Hill

In just four months, the Biden economic wizards have made several major economic mistakes, some of which were contained in the American Rescue Plan.

Pretending Economy Is Awful Is Foolish and Dangerous

Kevin Williamson, NRO

Acting like our house is on fire when it isn't is foolish and dangerous.

Uruguay Locked Down, IMF Cheered. C-19 Still Had Its Way

Jeffrey Tucker, RCM

The case of Uruguay - that inauspicious, high-income utopia south of Brazil - seemed like everything of which the lockdown lobby had dreamed. A hard imposition of lockdown policies early in the pandemic. No one leaves their homes. No travel. Mask up. Keep the virus out. Crush it with coercion. No crowds! No fun allowed! And boom: it worked. Covid stayed away! For the world press, Uruguay was the ideal. It was not Brazil with its Trump-like president and federalist chaos. Uruguay officials behaved with intelligence, pushing the most extreme lockdown policies recommended by the WTO. By...

What I Learned from Looking Over the Street's Shoulders

Corey McLaughlin, AC

Investing legend Marc Chaikin details why he left Wall Street a decade ago, turning his efforts to help everyday retail investors.

Why Stocks Shouldn't Bawl Over a 'Baby Bust'

Market Minder, Fisher Investments

Declining fertility rates don't spell doom for stocks, in our view.

Global Baby Bust Shows How Short-Sighted Right Is

Hayes Brown, MSNBC.com

Anti-immigration Republicans are teeing the U.S. up for big problems in a global baby bust.

Why the Biden Administration's IP Waiver Is Huge Mistake

Kristen Osenga, RCM

At first blush, the Biden administration's decision to support waiving international intellectual property protections for coronavirus vaccines seems like a laudable act of humanitarian largesse, but the waiver is really a wolf in sheep's clothing. The change would do little to speed up the production and distribution of vaccines in the countries that need them most, and the long-term ramifications would chill innovation domestically and globally. Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) recently revealed what many on the Left hope to accomplish through this waiver. "Special [IP] protections for...

Why College May Not Have You Prepared for Success

Brent Orrell, USA TODAY

What employers are seeking most, and not finding as often as they'd like, are workers who have what are known as "noncognitive" or "soft" skills.

A Problem w/DeSantis's Plan to Hit 'Big Tech'

Brad Polumbo, Washington Examiner

Big Tech bias and social media censorship is a serious concern. But Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis needs to realize that any conservative "solution" that violates the First Amendment is no solution at all.

Here's Who Owns Everything In "Big Media" Today

Rani Molla & Peter Kafka, Vox

It probably won't look like this for long.

Signs That Inflation's Surge Is Transitory

Jeffrey Kleintop, Charles Schwab

While it's very early to say the rise in inflation has passed, there are signs that the fastest part of the rebound in inflation might soon be over.

Crypto: A New Asset Class?

Various, Goldman Sachs

Happy Birthday to the Dow!

Brad McMillan, Commonwealth Financial Network

Happy birthday to the Dow! Commonwealth CIO Brad McMillan celebrates the index and what it has meant for the stock market and investors.

Best Way to Save if I'm Retiring from Military?

Carrie Schwab-Pomerantz, Schwab

Retirement planning is important for everyone, but retiring military have unique planning challenges. Here's why.

Lockdowns Need to Be Discredited Once and For All

Ethan Yang, AIER

"Unilaterally and arbitrarily shutting down all of economic and social life was never part of the solution, nor should it ever be. Covid-19 has been the first test for these experimental lockdown policies and no rational observer should look back at the results and conclude that this is all...

Gold Back on Margin

Russell Redenbaugh & James Juliano, Kairos Capital Management

Why Stock Market Gains Likely to Slow

Jeffrey Buchbinder, LPL Financial Research

Monday, May 24, 2021 Top Story Stock Market Gains Likely To Slow

Ultimate Stock-Pickers: Top High-Conviction Purchases

Eric Compton, MStar

Several funds see value in technology, energy, and communication services.

I'm Getting That '70s Feeling

Stephen S. Roach, Project Syndicate

The US Federal Reserve is insisting that recent increases in the price of food, construction materials, used cars, personal health products, gasoline, and appliances reflect transitory factors that will quickly fade with post-pandemic normalization. But what if they are a harbinger, not a "noisy" deviation?

Why Big Oil Should Be Worried After a Day of Reckoning

Rebecca Leber, Vox

Exxon, Shell, and Chevron are under siege in the courtroom and the boardroom.

The Beginning of the End for Cryptocurrencies?

Marshall Auerback, The Nation

China's warnings on the use of digital currencies suggest that the long-awaited official sector crackdown has begun—and it's a good thing too.

Progressively Worse: Big Government CA Style

William Voegeli, Claremont Review

Activist government's crisis of competence.

Meet Your Next Angel Investor. They're 19

Arielle Pardes, Wired

It's never been easier to invest in startups, and Gen Z is taking full advantage.

What Amazon's MGM Buy Is Really About

David Dayen, The American Prospect

The company wants to control pricing on everything, and funnel as many transactions to itself as possible. Here's how the MGM deal does that.

The Time Has Surely Come For a Covid-19 Marshall Plan

James Gannon, The Hill

Thanks to a swift vaccine rollout, the situation on the home front has improved enough to allow the administration to pivot to the global fight.

Biden-Yellen Intl Tax Cartel Won't Bring Growth

Bruce Yandle, Washington Examiner

It was with a feeling of deep disappointment, as well as some deja vu, that I read Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen is still pushing to form an international cartel of governments that would implement a minimum corporate income tax rate across borders. Now, instead of 21%, Yellen is calling for a…

Why Bill Gates Can't Fix Probs He Helped Create

Linsey McGoey, New York Times

The Gates divorce is prompting people to ask hard questions about the foundation. That's good.

Why Lawyers Don't Need Law School

Hans Bader, Foundation for Economic Education

Kim Kardashian has expressed a desire to become a lawyer without going to law school. As it happens, many of the finest lawyers in American history never attended law school.

Fisher Investments on Election-Year Uncertainty: This, Too, Shall Pass

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Will Uncle Sam Force Big Tech to Break Up?

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Shattering the Debt Ceiling Myth

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Inglorious Years: The Rise Of The Digital Society

Jana Kasperkevic, ProMarket

Economist Daniel Cohen explores the emergence of the digital society and its never-ending pursuit for growth.

15 'Bizarre' Facts About The US Housing Market

Adwait Patil, Digg

"It has been hard to convey, through anecdotes or data, how bizarre the US housing market has become," Redfin CEO Glenn Kelman said on Twitter.

Why Is China Building Two Secret Nuclear Reactors?

Caroline Delbert, PM

These aren't your average reactors.

What a Wuhan Lab Leak Would Really Mean

Ian Birrell, UnHerd

Scientists and the media eagerly denounced credible evidence as a conspiracy theory

How to Do Long Term

Morgan Housel, Collaborative Fund

Long-term thinking is easier to believe in than accomplish.

3 Charitable Strategies To Maximize Tax Benfits

Christine Benz, Morningstar

These three maneuvers will tend to deliver a higher tax benefit than writing a check and deducting it, and may even improve your portfolio.

Millennials Aren't Poorer Than Past Generations

Nick Maggiulli, Of Dollars And Data

Clearing up misconceptions on Millennial wealth and who is actually struggling in the generational divide.
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