
Woke Capital Destined to Be a Relic

Peter Earle, Am. Institute for Economic Research

"Companies feel obligated to offer value statements to their customers, despite often having records of conduct contrary to the socially acceptable view; consumers sense the game being played and accordingly, chafe. Rather than a sign of the times, the embracing of woke capital may simply come...

Why Econ Data Tell You Little About the Markets

Market Minder, Fisher Investments

Does a report showing how the UK economy fared under lockdown mean much now that restrictions are lifting?

Divergent DJIA and NASD Is Honey for Market Bears

Mark Hulbert, MarketWatch

Disconnected trading pattern hasn't looked so ominous since the internet bubble years.

This 0.1% Tax Could Hit the Retail Investor Hard

Will Yepez, Washington Examiner

A key promise of President Joe Biden's 2020 campaign was his pledge to limit any tax increases to those who make over $400,000 per year.

In States, Spending's Off To (Robo-Dog) Races

Steve Miller, RealClearInvestigations

Above, a robot dog like

Is Amazon the Kind of Workplace That Americans Want?

Andy Levin, USA Today

Is Amazon the type of American workplace we want? Is this the future we want for our kids? Of course not. Update 1930s labor laws to strengthen unions.

Joblessness Is High. Why Are Businesses Struggling to Hire?

Neil Irwin, NYT

Health concerns, expanded jobless benefits and still being needed at home are among the reasons would-be workers might be staying away.

A Deep Look Into Entrepreneurial Side of Mark Wahlberg

Alissa Wilkinson, Vox

The star's HBO vanity docuseries series Wahl Street posits entrepreneurship as self-development.

Mercedes EQS Offers a Look Into the Future of Cars

Peter Valdes-Dapena, CNN

Mercedes has unveiled its largestand most luxurious electric car yet. The Mercedes EQS is the battery-powered equivalent of the Mercedes S-Class sedan, the brand's flagship model.

Dear Yellen: Saving Planet Is Not the Fed's Job

Christina Parajon Skinner, The Hill

The clear implication that the FSOC sees climate change as a financial stability risk puts the Fed in a sticky position.

Requiem for a Currency: The Dollar In Decline

Kim Iskyan, American Consequences

The dollar won't be king of the currency castle anymore soon. But you can still prepare for this financial tectonic shift.

The Meaning of Coinbase and Crypto

Seth Berenzweig & John Tamny, The Capitol Brief

How did we get to the explosion of private money?

This Market Has Mania Characteristics

Jeffrey Kleintop, Charles Schwab

The specific set of conditions that have historically characterized the start of an investment bubble appear to be forming.

Why the Future Looks Bright For The Bulls

Ryan Detrick, LPL Financial Research

Market Blog Wednesday, April 14, 2021 "I look to the future because that's where I'm going to spend the rest of my life." George Burns

Our View As Reopening Begins

Daniel Kern & Renee Kwok, TFC Financial Management

How Can I Stop Living Paycheck to Paycheck?

Carrie Schwab-Pomerantz, Schwab

Living paycheck to paycheck can feel like you're on an endless financial treadmill. Here's how to jump off.

Housing Boom to Continue

Brian Wesbury & Robert Stein, First Trust Advisors

Is Faster CPI Here to Stay?

Richard Moody, Regions Bank

Will Rising Federal Debt Slow Econ. Growth?

Liz Ann Sonders, Charles Schwab

Over the past 70 years, rising government debt generally has been accompanied by weaker economic activity. But it's not a simple relationship.

Looking Back at the First Roaring Twenties

Robert J. Shiller, New York Times

To understand where the stock market may be heading, a Nobel laureate examines the pop culture of one of the greatest bull markets in history.

Reasons To Doubt The Buffett Indicator

Gregory van Kipnis, AIER

"There are other reasons for the Buffett Indicator ratio to be trending higher. Corporate earnings are growing nearly twice as rapidly as the growth in nominal GDP. The Buffett indicator, though at high historical levels, is not per se signaling that the market is overvalued."

Not Everyone Was Surprised By Madoff's Ponzi Scheme

Alicia McElhaney, II

The inside story of how Jim Vos and his team at Aksia helped unspool the mystery of Bernie Madoff.

Josh Hawley's Dangerous 'Trust-Busting' Bill

Katherine Revello, Reason

Hawley's legislation would give officials more room to unilaterally punish business behaviors they personally don't like.

Three Takeaways From the Archegos Disaster

John Rekenthaler, Morningstar

Drawing public lessons from a private fund's problems.

A Crypto Wonk Is Running the SEC

Benjamin Pimentel, Protocol

Gary Gensler is the new head of the SEC

How People Get Rich Now

Paul Graham, Paul Graham.com

If we compare the 100 richest people in 1982 to the 100 richest in 2020, we notice some big differences.

Is Stagflation Coming?

Nouriel Roubini, Project Syndicate

Lost in the debate over whether today's ultra-loose fiscal and monetary policies will trigger painful inflation is the broader risk posed by potential negative supply shocks. From trade wars and de-globalization to aging populations and populist politics, there is no shortage of inflationary threats on the horizon.

How Economists Learned to Love Minimum Wage Hikes

Peter Suderman, Reason

Would raising the federal minimum wage to $15 an hour cost jobs?

A Few Short Stories

Morgan Housel, Collaborative Fund

Unsual stories from Morgan Housel

What Spending Data Tells Us About the Recovery

Rani Molla, Re/code

Five charts that show how dramatically the pandemic affected our spending.

Chip Shortages Send Shockwaves Through the Economy

Don Clark, NY Times

The internet-connected world is completely dependent on the production of semiconductors. That's become a problem now that supplies are running short.

Fisher Investments on Election-Year Uncertainty: This, Too, Shall Pass

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Ken Fisher on Nixing the VIX

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Will Uncle Sam Force Big Tech to Break Up?

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Shattering the Debt Ceiling Myth

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Due Process Is Good, He Said Controversially

Matt Taibbi, TK News by Matt Taibbi

Gaetz, Greenwald, and accusations in the Twitter age

The Digital Revolution Is Eating Its Young

Mark Esposito, Project Syndicate

We are facing an acute crisis of technological opportunity and access, owing to an invasive business model that has proven incapable of supporting equity and inclusion. The stakes are high, and the market won't fix the problem.

The Real Inflation Risk Is Political

Eric Boehm, Reason

The short-term inflation outlook isn't as grim as it looks, but the long-term situation could be awful

This Is the Richest American of All Time

Douglas A. McIntyre, 24/7 Wall St.

John D. Rockefeller was the first American billionaire and, to this day, he is by far the wealthiest.

Active Management Is Not Dead Yet

C. Thomas Howard, Enterprising Investor

Is active equity poised for a new golden era?

Housing bubble Two Point No

Michael Batnick, The Irrelevant Investor

Housing prices are red hot. That doesn't mean they're going to crash.
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