
Young Americans Need to Appreciate Brilliant Fortune

Ryan Fazio, New York Post

Why do many of us often think what we have here — wealth, freedom and safety — is normal in the course of human history or even in the world today?

Joe Biden Should Make Americans' Crushing Debt Disappear

Astra Taylor, NYT

The American dream used to be owning a home with a white picket fence, but now it is getting out of debt.

Didi's IPO & Hong Kong Crackdowns: China at Odds wItself

John Tamny, Forbes

The most effective way to reverse the Chinese Communist Party's errors vis-à-vis the Uighurs and Hong Kong would be to remain as economically and personally free as possible.

The U.S. Is a First-World Nation With 3rd-World Rail System

Jerry Haar, The Hill

If the U.S. is to have an HSR system, there are three ways for Congress to get private capital off the sidelines and into the game.

Stocks Are Pricey, But It Doesn't Mean the Bull Is Ending

Paul La Monica, CNN

Stocks enjoyed a stellar first half of the year. But will the market be able to keep rallying?

Better Matching of Talent With Capital Key to U.S. Prowess

Reuven Brenner, AT

This is the concluding article of a three-part series. Part 1 was When the US risks being leapfrogged, and Part 2 was How the US R&D model was weakened. Part 2 of this series showed that with t…

Trump Org. Charges Are a Master Class in Tax Evasion

Adam Chodorow, Slate

The company allegedly went to incredible lengths to avoid paying taxes on a top employee's compensation.

Why Did Trump Take a C-19 Route So Damaging to Trump?

Jeffrey Tucker, RCM

"Endemicity" is not a word that rolls off the vernacular tongue. Stil, its new prominence in the halls of governments around the world is a huge ray of hope. It means that governments have at long last begun to regard the pathogen as potentially a manageable part of our world. The word endemic is a contrast to pandemic. A new virus of the sort we've been through moves from the pandemic stage to a manageable stage - and so it has been for all of history. And by manageable, epidemiologists do not mean: does not exist. It means it is dealt with through therapeutics, natural immunity, and...

John Tamny Interview About When Politicians Panicked

Jeff Deist, Mises Institute

Financial journalist John Tamny has written the definitive book on the disastrous political mismanagement of Covid-19—and the resulting (still unfolding) calamities.

Julie Su Would Take CA's Small-Bus. Nightmare National

Alfredo Ortiz, Examiner

Last Thursday, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer filed cloture on the nomination of Julie Su, California's top labor official, to become President Joe Biden's deputy secretary of labor.

The GOP Backlash Against Corporations Isn't Real — Yet

Zack Beauchamp, Vox

How culture wars and the diploma divide are pushing corporate America and the GOP apart.

Jeff Bezos Is Retiring. How Rich Did AMZN Make Him?

Jessica Guynn, USA Today

No need to check his 401k or social security before retiring. Jeff Bezos, who steps down Monday as Amazon's CEO, is the world's richest person.

ISM: Good, But Could Be Better Expansion Continues

Richard Moody, Regions

Pressure Drop: Easing Inflation Pressures Ahead?

Liz Ann Sonders, Schwab

Inflationary bottleneck pressures tied to the economic reopening are fading; and as suggested by the bond market and wages, a return to hyperinflation is unlikely.

The American Cities with the Largest Minority Wage Gap

Various, Self

Cities in the U.S. with the largest minority wage gap

10,000 Commandments of the Reg State

Wayne Crews, Competitive Enterprise Institute

Growth Outlook Shrinks

Russell Redenbaugh & James Juliano, Kairos Capital Management

Revisiting Tesla's S&P 500 Add

Rob Arnott, Vitali Kalesnik & Lillian Wu, Research Affiliates

Tesla entered the S&P 500 Index on December 21, 2020. Over the next six months, AIV, the stock deleted to make way for TSLA, outperformed TSLA by a stupendous margin—exactly as we expected, based on our research. Index rebalances impose a variety of costs on investors. Smarter index design could go far to mitigate these costs.

Some Ways to Build an All ETF Portfolio

Michael Iachini, Charles Schwab

An index ETF-only portfolio can be a straightforward yet flexible investment solution.

The Looming Stagflationary Debt Crisis

Nouriel Roubini, Project Syndicate

Years of ultra-loose fiscal and monetary policies have put the global economy on track for a slow-motion train wreck in the coming years. When the crash comes, the stagflation of the 1970s will be combined with the spiraling debt crises of the post-2008 era, leaving major central banks in an impossible position.

Q2 2021 Market Performance in 7 Charts

Katherine Lynch, Morningstar

Bond markets recover and stocks post broad gains.

Higher Inflation Ahead? Maybe. But Don't Try to Predict It.

Jeff Sommer, NYT

Consumers, economists and bond traders often attempt to forecast inflation, but we really are walking in the dark.

Was Ben Graham Just Plain Lucky?

Safal Niveshak, Safal Niveshak

His best investment broke all the rules he laid out in The Intelligent Investor.

Jobs Report Gives Little Ammo to Fed Hawks

Bryce Coward, Knowledge Leaders

The ever-important payroll report came in ahead of expectations for June, but will ultimately do little to sway policy in toward the hawkish faction of the Federal Reserve Board.

The Trump Organization Is in Big Trouble

Daniel Hemel, The Atlantic

The indictments of the business and its CFO allege not some minor technical mistakes, but blatant violations of the law.

How To Have Your Own Bobby Bonilla Day

Brett Arends, MarketWatch

When it came to retirement planning, the former New York Met did three things right.

Dividends Indicate Robust US Economic Growth

Ironman, Political Calculations

Going by the U.S. stock market's dividends, both June 2021 and the second quarter of 2021 registered robust growth.

The Journey to 100X Investments

Mebane Faber, Meb Faber Research

When's the last time you made 100X on an investment? Not 100% on your initial investment, 100 times your initial investment. That means you sink $10,000 into an investment and pull out a cool $1,000,000…for many investors this could be a life-changing outcome.

A Million Chances To Fail

Joshua M Brown, The Reformed Broker

The finish line isn't the thing, it's the route we take to get there and the milestones we celebrate along the way.

The Rally Is Broadening Out

Jamie Powell, FT Alphaville

Growth is not confined to a few names at the top.

Inequality in the Housing Market

Ben Carlson, A Wealth Of Common Sense

If you dig into the components of the consumer price index, you'll notice housing makes up a big part of the government's inflation calculation.The latest data from the BLS shows owners' equivalen

Anti-Racism Has Been Very Good To Robin DiAngelo

Matt Welch, Reason

Nice Racism—and the "anti-racism" consulting business—rakes in the bucks while losing hearts and minds.

The Smart Home Is Too Much Work

Andrew Liszewski, Gizmodo

I'm not willing to jump through all the hoops needed to make my home barely smarter.
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