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Tuesday, 24 November 2020

Foreign ownership move is a 'momentous change for the UAE', say experts

Analysts predict major boost to the UAE's attractiveness to foreign investors following change to...
Deyaar awards $100m contracts as it pushes on with huge Dubai homes project
Developer announces start of construction on the third and fourth phase within its Midtown...
Watchmaking giant Titan targets the UAE for rapid growth by end-2020
World's fifth largest watchmaker reveals plan to open 10 retail outlets in the UAE by the end of...

How the UAE retail industry can survive the coronavirus pandemic

High level think tank calls for more collaboration between retailers and mall owners, faster...
Emirates to launch new multi-risk insurance to deal with coronavirus fears
New travel insurance and Covid-19 cover will automatically apply to all Emirates tickets...
Saudi unicorn looks beyond kingdom after Western Union deal
Western Union invested $200m for a 15 percent stake in digital payments firm stc pay earlier this...

Oman returns to debt market amid growing economic pressures

A rally in its bonds that were issued about a month ago has enabled the sultanate to lock in...

Video: Expo 2020 Dubai still expects to attract 25m visitors despite coronavirus

Manal AlBayat, chief sales & marcomms officer at Expo 2020 Dubai, says targets for visitor...
Video: Sir Martin Sorrell on Gulf expats, US-China relations and dealing with fake news
Advertising, marketing and media mogul Sir Martin Sorrell shares his views in an exclusive...
Video: Here's why space tourism could soon be a reality in Dubai
Dubai could become part of the space tourism revolution as early as 2023 according to Kemel...
Editor's Choice

'We believe in Dubai', says former F1 boss as he reinvents Billionaire chain

Flavio Briatore, the man who discovered racing legend Michael Schumacher, talks to Arabian...
Arabtec board to meet Wednesday before facing shareholders next week
Board of troubled Dubai-based construction giant will discuss the latest update on the progress...
Why the younger Saudi generations are picking tourism jobs over oil
Interest in more traditional Saudi industries such as petrochemicals and oil and gas is taking a...

How coronavirus disruption is accelerating change in the TV sector

Significant pandemic-related economic disruption and ongoing digital advancements are changing...
Five questions all CEOs need to ask themselves to stay grounded through the rest of 2020
Rachael Lynn, a Dubai-based American author, journaling expert and transitional mentor, looks at...
Calculating your route to retirement
StashAway MENA GM, Ramzi Khleif, answers the key questions when considering retirement
Featured Analysis

Why Emirates remains 'well armoured' to weather coronavirus crisis despite huge losses

Top aviation analyst says Emirates is being 'proactive' in trying to safeguard its future amid...
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