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Bitcoin Magazine is proud to release the retaliatory op-ed from Nayib Bukele, the 43rd President of El Salvador, former mayor of Nuevo Cuscatlán and San Salvador, and the first Bitcoin President. The recent target of incendiary criticism from a handful of the most powerful governments, NGOs, and mainstream media, Bukele responds in his own words but with their data.

The world financial institutions and Western Powers realize that if El Salvador succeeds, it will mark the beginning of the end of their global monetary influence, as other countries will follow suit. In the upcoming Fall 2022 release, The Orange Party Issue, the head of a nation calls out global financial institutions, Western powers, and the media outlets they control, for unfair criticisms only one year after adopting making bitcoin legal tender.
In Stop Drinking the Elite’s Kool-Aid, Bukele sets the record straight, and attempts to contextualize the often unequal scrutiny placed on the country of El Salvador from the Western powers of today.

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