This is the year that REV gets real. Here’s what to watch for.
REV State of Mind: What to Watch For in New York Into 2017
Below is an excerpt from the new GTM Squared column, REV State of Mind. Join GTM Squared to access this full article as well as the deep Squared archives!
By Katherine Tweed

Just over two years ago, New York launched its ambitious Reforming the Energy Vision initiative.

Governor Andrew Cuomo’s directive called for New York to transition to a cleaner, more efficient, resilient and affordable energy system.

At launch, GTM hypothesized that it could be one of the fastest-moving regulatory proceedings any state commission has ever seen.

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Indeed, REV has been chugging along at an impressive clip, especially by utility regulatory standards. Even so, Audrey Zibelman, chair of the New York Public Service Commission, said during New York Energy Week 2016 that she is constantly being asked, “But what have you actually accomplished?”

Many filings, working groups and technical committees are now in their execution phase, and by 2017, Zibelman should have a laundry list of programs, policy changes and clean energy growth to point to when she's put on the spot about REV's early successes. Join and read now.