The Verge / Justine Calma
New York Times / Adam Satariano, Paul Mozur, and Aurelien Breeden
Telegram becomes a free speech flashpoint after founder’s arrest in France →“Telegram’s light oversight of what people say or do on the platform has helped people living under authoritarian governments communicate and organize. But it has also made the app a haven for disinformation, far-right extremism and other harmful content. Many were shocked when reports emerged on Saturday across French news media that [Russian entrepreneur Pavel] Durov had been arrested in France on charges related to the spread of illicit material on the service.”
The Fix / Alessandra Vescio
Boston Globe / Aidan Ryan
The Present Age / Parker Molloy
How did a vocal Trump supporter end up in CNN’s “undecided voter” panel? →“This snafu isn’t just about one voter or one segment gone awry. It’s raising questions about how big news networks handle political coverage. Are ‘undecided voter’ panels worth the trouble? And in an age where everyone’s got a mile-long digital footprint, how do we make sure what we see on TV reflects reality?”