Plus, learn what's coming at the London Book Fair next week!
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Writer's Digest
Ready Player One: 3 Painful Lessons About Success for Writers
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Ernest Cline's Ready Player One has earned some harsh criticism. So how did it sell so well and earn so much attention, despite the polarizing reviews? Can writers duplicate that kind of success with their own work?   Read More...
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Interview: Jessica Strawser Discusses the Journey from Editor to Author, and Her New Book 'Not That I Could Tell'
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In her nearly 10-year tenure as the former editor-in-chief and editorial director (and now editor-at-large) of Writers Digest, Jessica Strawser has interviewed hundreds of globally recognized authors, from Khaled Hosseini, David Sedaris and Alice Walker to (in WD's February 2018 issue) The Nightingale's Kristin Hannah. Now we turn the mic around to talk to Jessica about her journey from editor to author, and about her new book, Not That I Could Tell, on shelves March 27, 2018.   Read More...
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When Page Meets Stage: 10 Tips for Taking Public Readings of Your Work to the Next Level
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Knowing how to present your writing well in public readings only helps people get to embrace you and your writing on page. And so here are ten essential tips on how to bring the performance to the next level.   Read More...

In Writers Limbo? How Low Can You Go?
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Are you in in a writing slump? Lynn Dickinson teaches you how to Writers Limbo by setting writing goals that keep the bar low!   Read More...

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5 Things to Look Out for at the London Book Fair 2018
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The London Book Fair 2018 is the UKs biggest gathering of international publishers and agents and this year runs from 10th to 12th April at the Olympia conference centre in central London. Here are 5 things to look out for at the fair this year.   Read More...
The Writer's Digest Podcast, Episode 2: Business Strategy for Writers -- Interview with James Scott Bell
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In this episode of the Writer's Digest Podcast, Gabriela Pereira talks with author and writing instructor James Scott Bell and shares an inside look at the business strategies writers need to succeed. In this interview, they discuss different aspects of the publishing industry, how to market your short fiction to grow your readership, and more.   Listen here.
Your Weekly Writing Prompt
Pranks and Perspective: Write a story or a scene about one character playing a prank on another. Describe the scene from both characters' points of view.
Post your response (500 words or fewer) in the comments here ...
Jess Zafarris
Jess Zafarris
Follow @jfarrisknight
Jess Zafarris is an energetic multimedia journalist with more than 7 years of experience writing and editing, and the content director of Writer's Digest.
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