Hello again, Hacker💚 | |
As someone who has been writing for years, it can sometimes appear that making it on the first few pages of Google is just a random game of chance. But there are things you can do to increase those chances. | |
What Is the Meta Description? | |
The meta description is exactly what it sounds like: it describes what your article is about and what readers can expect from it. You can find the meta description box in the story settings. | |
Why Is the Meta Description Important? | |
The reason it’s so important is that Google will analyze your meta description and determine how relevant it is to the keywords. | |
How to Write Meta Descriptions | |
Writing meta descriptions requires finesse. Simply spamming keywords won’t help. While there's a slim chance it might work, it's unlikely. To improve your Google ranking, craft thoughtful descriptions. For example, using keywords like "iOS 20.5 update" and "new iOS update" can give your article an advantage over others. | |
To recap, here are the important points you need to remember: | |
The #ethereum Writing Contest by DeGate | |
Write about Ethereum’s expanding influence in the global financial landscape and compete for $1,000 in total prizes! Use this writing template or read the official announcement here! | |
Happy writing! | |
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