Become a Free Press Connector today!

Free Press

Become a Free Press Connector with a monthly donation of any amount — and not only will you receive a free sticker set, but any amount you commit to giving monthly by March 31 will be DOUBLED for 12 MONTHS. Start your gift today.


The first few months of 2023 have been nothing short of hectic. We’re fighting for a new FCC commissioner who stands up for the public interest so we can finally get the fully-functional agency we deserve. We're also working to hold platforms like Meta, Twitter and YouTube accountable for the spread of disinformation, and keeping a close eye on attacks on public-media funding.

And that’s just scratching the surface. How big we can dream and how hard we can go in pursuit of our goals depends on you.

By donating monthly as a Connector — along with the hundreds of others who chip in a little bit each month — you provide us with the steady income Free Press needs to budget for future campaigns. We’re looking for 25 new Connectors by March 31: We’re so glad you’re in this work with us — will you invest in what we’re building together by becoming a Free Press Connector with a monthly gift today? There’s never been a better time to make this commitment to our work — but make sure you take advantage of this matching monthly gift offer before March 31. We’ll also send you an exclusive Connector sticker pack!

When you give to Free Press monthly, you’re making long-term investment in what we’re working toward, such as:

  • Equitable and affordable access to technology
  • Diverse and independent ownership of media platforms
  • Technology, platforms and journalism that support racial justice, positive social change and meaningful engagement in public life — not division and disinformation
  • Local news that holds government officials and corporate leaders accountable and tells people what’s happening in their communities

Our vision is bold, but if we’re united and fight for it together, real and lasting change will be possible. Become a Free Press Connector with a monthly gift that will be matched by a generous donor for 12 MONTHS.

Thank you for your support,

Kimberly Longey
Free Press

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