Good morning, Marketer, and the Superbowl reminds us large audiences are still valuable.

I was struck by reports that NBC had sold most of its Super Bowl ad inventory by mid-summer and at a higher price than last year even though the audience was at a 15 year low. The two determining factors, of course, are scarcity and reach. An audience of 96.4 million may be a dwindling audience — but it’s still a very large audience indeed.

In a fragmenting world where individuals are increasingly willing and able to consume niche content on niche channels, the ability to reach a large and diverse audience has some nostalgic appeal. OOH advertising has been renewing itself through digital connections and singular events like the Super Bowl can put big brands in front of vast numbers of eyeballs.

Such events are unlikely to become extinct — but they are becoming increasingly rare. Witness the plummeting audiences for the Olympic Games and the Academy Awards.

Kim Davis
Editorial Director

Real Story on MarTech: Where is the puck going in 2022?

No one really knows where martech is headed, but careful diligence can uncover whether that vendor is skating at a pace and direction that works for you.

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Measuring diversity in advertising: A challenge of scale

The Geena Davis Institute for Gender in Media is partnering with creative analytics platform CreativeX to give brands the ability to measure represenatation across all their advertising content.

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Big data gives way to more flexibility

While the power and scalability of this Big Data was undeniable in terms of interacting with consumers, it also presented previously unforeseen issues like accessibility and actionability. With all this new data, how would a brand orchestrate and track touchpoints across solutions in order to form actionable insights and generate tangible revenue? The power is there, but harnessing it was still an unknown.

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Webinar: 6 Key Elements of a Successful ABM Strategy

Given the shifts in buyer behavior over the last 18 months, ABM has quickly become a must for marketers. When it comes to adopting or executing an ABM strategy, would your organization be considered an innovator or a laggard? Join us for this MarTech webinar and find out what end of the ABM adoption spectrum you fall under.

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Movable Ink and Stensul announce email partnership, integrations

Personalized content assets from Movable Ink can now be incorporated in emails created on Stensul without the need to copy and paste code.

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New AR advertising experience from Emodo’s partnership with 8th Wall

Embeddable AR ad types offered to marketers and agencies without additional apps.

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Google and marketing industry predictably hostile to proposed surveillance advertising ban

Legislation like this could be a game-changer for every digital marketer although the text of the bill leaves important questions unanswered.

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What we’re reading. Scott Brinker reviews data showing that two thirds of SaaS spend within companies is now managed by business units rather than IT. About 1 in 5 individual employees buy their own SaaS subscriptions and expense them. As he rightly says, it seems too late to call this “shadow IT.” “(I)t’s the kind of shadow that a towering landmark casts in the bright light of day. Tourists pay money to visit it and take selfies.”

Get your pass for MarTech. Free passes for our March 29-30 conference are now available.

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