

Good morning! Today is Tuesday April 25, 2017.
Here is a sampler of some of the latest investigative news from around the country and across the world.

Shady Arms Procurers Were Secretly Let Off Hook in Obama's Iran Deal
When the Iran nuclear deal was reached, President Obama said the Iranian-born prisoners he was releasing "were not charged with terrorism or any violent offenses." In reality, some were accused by Obama's own Justice Department of being part of an illegal arms procurement network. And in unpublicized court filings, charges were dropped against 14 others, all fugitives.

Default Rate for Federal Loan Program Exceeds That of Housing Crisis
Wall Street Journal
The federal Parent Plus loan program has millions of borrowers, many with subprime credit ratings. Its default rate exceeds the rate for U.S. mortgages at the peak of the housing crisis, and the debt is almost impossible to extinguish through bankruptcy.

France: Macron Campaign Wards Off Hacking Attempts Linked to Russia
Wall Street Journal
Hackers matching the profile of a pro-Kremlin group have in recent weeks tried to access the campaign email of French presidential candidate Emmanuel Macron, a cybersecurity firm says.

Struggling Illinois College Paid Big for Years for Grad Speakers
Chicago Sun-Times
The $30,000 Northeastern Illinois University was to pay ex-Obama aide Valerie Jarrett was just latest in a series of big fees for graduation speakers.

Ousted for Sexual Misconduct, and On to the Next Teaching Job
New York Times
The pattern had its own grim moniker: "passing the trash." That is, letting teachers accused of sexual misconduct quietly move on to teach elsewhere. Now revelations at Choate, the elite Connecticut boarding school, suggest two teachers fit the pattern and abused students at other schools.

Mylan Took West Virginia to Court to Push EpiPen Sales
West Virginia tried to save taxpayers $1 million through an alternative to Mylan's EpiPen, the auto-injector used to halt life-threatening allergic reactions. But Mylan sued to force the state to give the EpiPen coveted "preferred'' status in Medicaid, meaning patients would have to go through hoops to get coverage for different devices.

Inside East Germany's Stasi STD Clinics for 'Troubled' Women
Daily Beast
Investigations into harsh wards for treating sexually transmitted diseases in the former East Germany have revealed that the pretext "suspicion of carrying STDs" was used systematically to lock up and discipline young women who had failed to conform to the state's expectations—women who had "become difficult."

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