

Good morning! Today is Wednesday May 24, 2017.
Here is a sampler of some of the latest investigative news from around the country and across the world.

Trump Asked Intelligence Aides to Publicly Deny Russia Collusion, Leakers Say
Washington Post
President Trump asked two top intelligence officials in March to help him push back against an FBI investigation into possible coordination between his campaign and Russia, according to current and former officials. The aides in question were the director of national intelligence, Daniel Coats, and Adm. Michael Rogers, the NSA chief.

Weiner's 'Underage' Sexting Girl Lied to Damage Clinton
The North Carolina teenager who sexted with former congressman Anthony Weiner lied about her age and political motivations to harm Hillary Clinton, an inquiry by an investigative news site found. It said the girl was closer to 17 and not 15, as initial reports said, putting her above the age of consent in North Carolina, which is 16.

Inside the Head of Dylann Roof
Daily Beast
Dylann Roof has many things in common with other recent mass murderers, except for one: He did not die at the scene of his crime. Instead, his capture and subsequent interrogation have afforded anti-terrorism experts the opportunity to learn more about the inner workings of a "lone wolf" attacker.

Venezuela Holds 5,000 Russian Surface-to-Air Missiles
Venezuelan military documents reveal that the increasingly unstable country has an arsenal of 5,000 portable surface-to-air missiles, or MANPADS, which could easily fall into the hands of terrorists. They are from Russia, with superpower-nettling calculation.

Visa Overstays Now Biggest Problem in Illegal Immigration
Washington Times
Statistics released by the Department of Homeland Security reveal that the new problem in illegal immigration isn't who gets in; it's who doesn't leave. Last year, 630,000 of the 54 million legal visitors to the United States overstayed their welcome.

How California Shelters Criminalize Hundreds of Children
San Francisco Chronicle
In the county shelters of the nation's largest foster care program, hundreds of kids are finding themselves shuttled off to "juvie" detention for minor infractions - like starting a cake fight.

America's Cities Are Running Out of Room
If you build it (outside of the trendy part of town), will new residents still come? In many of America's most-expensive cities, builders are faced with an Apartment Complex of Dreams dilemma as they run out of space to build in the areas where people most want to live.

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