

Good morning! Today is Thursday June 22, 2017.
Here is a sampler of some of the latest investigative news from around the country and across the world.

Nonprofit Tracker GuideStar Tags Conservative Outfits as ‘Hate Groups'
Daily Signal
GuideStar, the nation's leading source of information on U.S. charities, is incorporating "hate group" labels of the left-wing Southern Poverty Law Center in listings for some well-known conservative nonprofits, many of them Christian. Forty-one conservative leaders, representing the Family Research Center, the Immigration Reform Law Institute and others, have signed a letter protesting the move.

Pentagon Wasted $28 Million on Afghan Army Uniforms
USA Today
Afghanistan, known for its rolling, gently forested hills. … Wait, no. That's not right. Nevertheless, the Pentagon sent as much as $28 million worth of forest-print camouflage uniforms to the Afghan army. This particular pattern was the Afghan defense minister's favorite. "My concern is, what if the minister of defense liked purple, or liked pink?" asked the special inspector general who slammed the procurement.

Wall Street Journal Fires Reporter Tied to Foreign Arms Dealing
Associated Press
In the process of investigating an Iranian-born aviation magnate who has ferried weapons for the CIA, the Associated Press uncovered evidence of a top Wall Street Journal correspondent's role in prospective commercial deals with the businessman, including one involving foreign arms sales. When the AP went to the newspaper with the evidence, it fired the reporter, Jay Solomon, citing what it said were ethical lapses and "poor judgment."

Four Scenarios for Dealing With North Korea
The Atlantic
The United States has four possible options for dealing with North Korea, and they're all bad. That's the conclusion of veteran journalist and author Mark Bowden after picking the brains of national security experts and military officers. But he says the best of the bad options is to live and let North Korea keep building tactical weapons. For now.

South Korea: Doctors Gain Insight From North Korean Defectors
South Korean doctors are studying refugees from North Korea to learn the long-term health consequences of the severely repressed country's quality of life. In the event of future reunification, they say, South Korea's doctors would quickly face new challenges treating such patients, and they had better know what to expect.

Alaska: Killer Whales Are Shaking Down Fishing Boats
National Post
On the heels of a report that snakes had learned the value of collaboration comes this news from Alaska: Local fishermen are seeing their profits eaten up by orcas stalking their boats using teamwork. The giant mammals have learned to snag fish right off fishing lines. Even worse, the adult orcas appear to be teaching the next generation the way to an easy meal ticket.

Two Cheap Medications Are Now One $455 Million Specialty Pill
Want to know why Americans pay too much for health care? Look no further than Vimovo, a new prescription drug designed to make your life easier by combining the over-the-counter medications Aleve and Nexium into one pill. Better for the patient? Arguably. Profitable for the drug company? And how. Good for the health care system? That's another story.

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