

Good morning! Today is Thursday July 06, 2017.
Here is a sampler of some of the latest investigative news from around the country and across the world.

The Media's Investigative Sins of Omission
Recent high-profile embarrassments -- sins of commission -- have overshadowed equally important investigative sins of omission, writes Tom Kuntz, the editor of RealClearInvestigations. If major news outlets with the most investigative muscle weren't so obsessed with nailing Donald Trump, we might know more about Fusion GPS and its notorious dossier; the struggle over intelligence "unmasking" records; and longstanding personal tension between Michael Flynn and FBI brass.

The Russia Ties of Hillary's Campaign Chief
New York Post
John Podesta, Hillary Clinton's ex-campaign manager, has made misleading disclosures about his involvement with Russia, investigative journalist Peter Schweizer reports. In 2011, a small green-energy company named Joule Unlimited announced Podesta's appointment to its board. Months later, an investment fund founded by Vladimir Putin pumped $35 million into Joule. Serving with Podesta on Joule's board: senior Russian official Anatoly Chubais and oligarch Ruben Vardanyan.

Trump Apparently Did Condo Gift-Tax Dodge With Son
It's good to be the real estate king. Just before Donald Trump won the Republican presidential nomination, he sold two condos near Central Park to his son Eric at a steep discount. As a real estate developer, the elder Trump evidently was able to avoid the 40 percent federal gift tax that would normally apply.

Data On Drug Use Is Disappearing Just When We Need It Most
Everybody's talking about the opioid epidemic, but do we really know what we're talking about? Not according to most major researchers, who say a lack of comprehensive national data leaves them, policymakers and public health workers flying blind.

The Mysterious Cyber-Attack That Crippled Ukraine
A cyberattack last week against Ukraine's banking, hospital and government infrastructure remains shrouded in mystery. But cybersecurity experts in Europe and America have slowly begun to realize that what happened was outside the norm - and could recur beyond Ukraine's borders.

Pennsylvania: When Restraining Orders Fail
York Daily News
Domestic abuse is devastating enough without the added terror that the legal system can't stop it. For many residents of Pennsylvania, "protection-from-abuse" orders offer cold comfort; routine violations of their terms leave victims in harm's way. Consistent enforcement and GPS monitoring might help , but for now victims' only hope is to avoid their abusers.

Goodbye, Smoke-Filled Rooms; Hello, Pot Smoke-Filled City
Washington Post
Washington's summer tourists this year might find themselves wriggling their noses every other block. What's that smell? The honest sweat of our toiling elected representatives? The freshly mowed grass of the National Mall? Getting warmer: It's the lingering aroma of marijuana smoke, and it's all around.

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