

Good morning! Today is Monday July 10, 2017.
Here is a sampler of some of the latest investigative news from around the country and across the world.

Promise of Clinton Dirt Drew Trump Jr. to Meet Russian Lawyer
New York Times
Russia and the Trump inner circle, yet again. In June 2016, just after Donald Trump clinched the Republican presidential nomination, Donald Trump Jr., Paul Manafort and Jared Kushner held a secret meeting with a Kremlin-connected Russian lawyer in apparent hopes of obtaining damaging information about Hillary Clinton. In federal probes, the central question is whether the Trump campaign colluded with the Russians. This meeting suggests that at least some in the campaign were willing to accept Russian help, The New York Times says.

Comey Private Memos on Trump Had Classified Info
The Hill
More than half the memos former FBI chief James Comey wrote as personal recollections of his conversations with President Trump about the Russia investigation have been determined to contain classified information, according to interviews with officials familiar with the documents. The disclosure suggests Comey broke his own agency's rules and ignored the same security protocol that he publicly criticized Hillary Clinton for flouting.

States Sell Voter Info They Deny to Trump Panel
Washington Examiner
Election officials in dozens of states have rejected a request from the newly formed Presidential Advisory Commission on Electoral Integrity to provide voter records for a study of election fraud. Yet many of those same officials would gladly sell those very same records to campaigns, to candidates, to political consultants, even to you. Take a look at their web sites.

The Farm Belt Führer: Making of a Neo-Nazi
The Guardian
Gerhard Lauck was Germany's biggest supplier of neo-Nazi materials, fostering hate cells in the Fatherland from his home in the Midwest. Although a stint in jail and the rise of internet chat rooms dulled his importance, his decades of neo-Nazi proselytization make him a case study in recognizing the signs of a budding hatemonger.

Michigan: How Problem Cops Stick Around
Detroit Free Press
Just outside of Detroit proper sits Highland Park, a poor enclave that takes in a lot of the problem cops pushed out of other police departments. But it's not alone. A broad investigation into policing in Michigan found failures to prosecute or report bad cops statewide, enabling them to bounce between departments and keep patrolling the streets with badges.

Gestating Little Lambs in Ziplock Bags Herald Change
Reproductive science has moved from cloning a la Dolly the sheep to artificial wombs. At Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, researchers have kept several extremely premature lambs alive and growing in "Biobags," plastic artificial wombs bringing to mind sous vide cooking. The little lambs offer hope for ending defects in premature children and could reframe the abortion debate: Artificial womb tech might render the term "fetus viability" meaningless.

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