

What Should We Expect From the U.S. Economy in 2018?

David Wessel, Brookings

The U.S. Is Becoming the World's New Tax Haven

Editorial Board, Bloomberg

China Offers Tax Incentives to Persuade U.S. Companies to Stay

Sui-Lee Wee, NYT

Democratic Rhetoric on GOP Tax Law Is Just Silly

Steven Greenhut, Reason Magazine

Losing A Job Taught Me How Tax Cuts Protect The Needy

Chad Greene, Federalist

How Wealthy People Use Government to Enrich Themselves

Jessie Singal, NYMag

Economics and American National Security

Martin Feldstein, Project Syndicate

At War With the Fed: Inventor's Story Akin to 'David vs. Goliath'

Jeff Mordock, WT

Biggest Surprise of Trump's First Year Is His Economic Policy

Matthew Yglesias, Vox

5 Predictions for Robo Advisers and Digital Advice in 2018

Alessandra Malito, MW

Here's How to Start 2018 on the Right Financial Foot

Robert Powell, USA Today

The Question Never Asked by EPI and Minimum Wage Advocates

Mark Perry, AEI

You Shouldn't be Ashamed, Regifting is Good Economics

James Walpole, FEE

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