

You've Survived a Terrifying Slide, Now Enjoy Inevitable Recovery

Ken Fisher, USAT

The Market Is All Artificial, and Reliant on Fed Jawboning

Sven Henrich, MarketWatch

Stocks Rally Amid Trump-Powell Truce? Gov't Take Note

Thomas Del Beccaro, Fox

Silicon Valley Puts Fed On a Faster Path Toward Obsolescence

John Tamny, Forbes

Trump Promised Jobs, His Tariffs Threaten Them

Peter Goodman, New York Times

Still No End In Sight For the Best Job Market Ever

Editorial, Investor's Business Daily

What Does Ocasio-Cortez Know About Tax Policy? Very Much.

Paul Krugman, NYT

GOP Is Party of Poor and Middle, Dems of the Rich

Allan Golombek, RealClearMarkets

Tucker Carlson Calls for the Government to Neuter America's Rich

Kyle Smith, NRO

The Euro Is Still Vulnerable After All These Years

Robert Samuelson, Washington Post

Soda Police In Philadelphia Can Now Claim a Business 'Body Count'

A.J. Rice, RCM

Why Aren't the Dems Standing Up For Low-Wage Gov't Workers?

David Dayen, TNR

A Partial Shutdown, and Taxpayers Forgot to Notice

Charles Hurt, Washington Times

It's Time for Apple, Tim Cook to Stop Playing It Safe

Jonathon Trugman, New York Post

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