

Minnesota Is Being Plundered by the Vikings, & the NFL

Steven Malanga, City Journal

Thoughts on Why Trump's Economic Growth Has Legs

Richard Epstein, Defining Ideas

Men of Steel: Trump Poised to Give a Few Men Industry Control

David Dayen, TNR

Year Later, Trump's TPP Rejection Still a Disaster

Robert Samuelson, Washington Post

How the Market Has Reacted to Past SOTU Speeches

Robert Schroeder, MarketWatch

A Gas-Tax Proposal to Fix America's Dilapidated Roads

Thomas Donohue, USA Today

Mark Zuckerberg's Betting on a Tactical Retreat to Save Facebook

Maya Kosoff, VF

Crucial Rules of Personal Finance You Should Know by Heart

Matthew Frankel, MF

Biggest Mistake Americans Make When Saving for Retirement

Emmie Martin, CNBC

Get Ready for Volatility: Interview with Pimco's Scott Mather

Christoph Gisiger, FUW

KodakCoin: Dubious Speculation, or the Expression of Expertise?

Kevin Roose, NYT

How Tax Reform Makes Goldman Sachs a Winnerand a Loser

Shawn Tully, Fortune

AMZN Should Not Be in Charge of Solving Our Health-Care Crisis

Eric Levitz, NYM

Amazon-Berkshire-JPM Show How Health Care Reform Should Work

Editorial, IBD

Does Anyone Actually Work at Shared Space Darling WeWork?

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