

If This Is a Bear Mkt., It's a Cute Little 'Teddy Bear' of a Bear

Kenneth Rapoza, Forbes

Why the Stock Market's Bumpy Ride Is Just Beginning

Marco Annunziata, Fortune

Machines Caused Corrections, Hysteria Followed

Zachary Karabell, Washington Post

Market Luddites Seek Answers, and Mindlessly Blame Machines

Cliff Asness, AQR

Selling Your Stocks Now Will Merely Lock In Your Losses

Gary Smith, MarketWatch

Investors Should Focus More On the Plan, Less On the Pivot

Michael Cannivet, RCM

The Fraudulence of the Self-Proclaimed Fiscal Hawks

Paul Krugman, New York Times

Budget Deal Proves GOP Loves Government Spending

Veronique de Rugy, Reason

Senate Budget Deal Is Bipartisanship At Its Worst

Editorial, Investor's Business Daily

Difficult to Be Candid and Frank About This Economy

Jeffrey Snider, RealClearMarkets

The Tax Fight Will Restrain Dems' 2018 Gains

Scott Jennings, Louisville Courier-Journal

Should We Fear Trade Deficit? For Some Reason Trump Does

Daniel Ikenson, NW

Can Facebook Arrest the Threat of 'Truth Decay'?

Stephen Scott, RealClearMarkets

Crumbling Airport, Broken Escalators: Infrastructure Odyssey

James Stewart, NYT

'Crumbling' Infrastructure Is Myth That Just Won't Die

David Harsanyi, National Review

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