

Ray Dalio's Big Short: What's Missing?

Nir Kaissar, Bloomberg Gadfly

Taxing FANGS To Pay For Universal Welfare Is A Terrible Idea

Editorial, IBD

33 Stocks Leading The Market Out of Correction

Gina Francolla & Patti Domm, CNBC

Unexpected Outcomes: Plausible Surprises For 2018

David Hay, Evergreen - Gavekal

How Can Companies Best Help Society? Make More Money.

Sally Pipes, Fortune

5 Reasons Commodities Are the Place to Be in 2018

Richard Mills, Financial Sense

Should You Have Bought Stocks On The Dip?

Julie Edde, Los Angeles Times

Weekend Reading: Hurricane Boost Dissipates

Lance Roberts, Real Investment Advice

Reality Check: Has Shinzo Abe's 'Womenomics' Worked in Japan?

BBC News

Everyone Has Forgotten the Downside to Debt

Jared Dillian, Bloomberg View

Deficits Will Cause Rates to Soar & Then Crash

Edward Harrison, Credit Writedowns

Corporate America Is Livid Over Trump's DACA Train Wreck

Bess Levin, Hive

WWE Is Laying the Smackdown on the World

Kim Bhasin & Felix Gillette, BusinessWeek

Billionaires Gone Wild

Alex Pareene, Columbia Journalism Review

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