

Trump Needs to Return to "King Dollar"

Larry Kudlow, Arthur Laffer & Stephen Moore, RCM

Thoughts on How Both Sides Have Misread the GOP Tax Cuts

Geoff Colvin, Fortune

Last Week's Rally Mocks the Alleged Gurus On Financial TV

Jonathon Trugman, NYP

Investors Should Question Their Beliefs Now and Then

Barry Ritholtz, Bloomberg

Thoughts on Why Bond Yields Have Some Investors Worried

Sonny Oh, MarketWatch

Airbnb & The Unintended Consequences of 'Disruption'

Derek Thompson, The Atlantic

Imports Not Killing Steel-Industry Jobs, Progress Is

Allan Golombek, RealClearMarkets

Marco Rubio and Ivanka Trump Hit On a Wise Family Leave Idea

Bryce Covert, NYT

Looking Ahead, Will You Outlive Retirement Savings?

Maurie Backman, Motley Fool

Another Musk - Not Elon - Wants to Bring Farming to Cities

Zlati Meyer, USA Today

There's Arguably a Downside To All the Conveniences of Capitalism

Tim Wu, NYT

In Praise of New York Times Opinion Section. No, Really.

Kyle Smith, National Review

Ray Dalio's Big Short: What's Missing?

Nir Kaissar, Bloomberg Gadfly

Taxing FANGS To Pay For Universal Welfare Is A Terrible Idea

Editorial, IBD

33 Stocks Leading The Market Out of Correction

Gina Francolla & Patti Domm, CNBC

Unexpected Outcomes: Plausible Surprises For 2018

David Hay, Evergreen - Gavekal

How Can Companies Best Help Society? Make More Money.

Sally Pipes, Fortune

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