

The Millennial Generation Is Giong Increasingly Socialist

Joel Kotkin, The Daily Beast

Ryan Struggles to Sell GOP Tax Plan to Republicans

Bade, Everett & Johnson, Politico

Two Cheers For a Carbon Tax, But It Won't Fix Everything

Robert Samuelson, WP

It's Time That We Cheer Presidents Who Play Lots of Golf

Windsor Mann, USA Today

What CEOs View As the Biggest Barrier to Growth

Stephen Moore, Washington Times

Restricting Immigration Harms American Workers

Michael Niren, The Huffington Post

Facebook Plans to Rewire Your Life. You Should Be Afraid.

Leonid Bershidsky, BBW

A Case for Dow 30,000 in Trump's 1st Term Has Strengthened

Nigam Arora, MW

Trump Needs to Build On the Stock-Market's Gains

Jonathon Trugman, New York Post

Donald Trump Is Incorrect, Banks Are Lending

Gretchen Morgenson, New York Times

Debunking the Myths About Individual Retirement Accounts

Maurie Backman, MF

Why the Haves In the United States Have More

Scott Winship, RealClearPolitics

Trump's Lavish Lifestyle Is a Drain on U.S. Taxpayers

Eric Levitz, New York Magazine

Look at Mar-a-Lago's Members

Nicholas Confessore, Maggie Haberman & Eric Lipton, NYT

How Trump's Stock Market Ranks In His First 30 Days

Mark DeCambre, MarketWatch

The Investing Pros and Cons of Donald Trump

Barry Ritholtz, Bloomberg View

Sore Winner Donald Trump Sorely Lacks Political Savvy

Doug Kass, RealMoney

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