

The Optometrist Who Bought and Held His Way To Billionaire

Madeline Berg, Forbes

The Dow Jones Industrial, On Current Pace, Will Hit 30K in April

Nigam Arora, MW

Nobody Knows How Long They Will Be Retired

Michael Cannivet, RealClearMarkets

Where Billionaires Are Is Where the People Live Best

Will Wilkinson, New York Times

Malpass Can Reverse World Bank's Blacklisting of Coal

Bonner Cohen, The Spectator

Market Forces, Not Regulations, Have Dethroned 'King Coal'

Allan Golombek, RCM

Race to 5G Is On. Some Say Americans Have the Lead

Brian Fung, Washington Post

Books: Jason Rezaian's Memoir of His Captivity in Iran, 'Prisoner'

John Tamny, RCM

Making What Is a Spiritual Case for Socialism

Jedediah Britton-Purdy, The New Republic

Making Child Care Cheap Is a Great Way to Boost Economy

Jordan Weissmann, Slate

One Last Grift for Bernie Sanders, the Corporatist

Kevin Williamson, National Review

Backers of NY's Amazon Giveaway Don't Know What's Wrong

Michael Hiltzik, NYT

Top Amazon Enemies Back Some Obscene Corporate Subsidies

Seth Barron, NYP

Bank Regulators Need to Stop Treating Bankers Like Pirates

Jared Whitley, Investor's

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