

CNN Thinks Socialism Cool. My Grandparents From USSR Didn't

Alex Berezow, USA

Hollywood Gushes Over Karl Marx, It's New Matinee Idol

Kyle Smith, National Review

How Bad Does Hollywood Distort Truth In Medical Dramas?

Paul Hsieh, M.D. Forbes

Americans Haven't Noticed Trump's Rather Small Tax Cut

Jordan Weissmann, Slate

The New Working Class: It's Not Just Men Working in Factories

Sarah Jaffe, TNR

How Do Market's Fluctuations Influence Retirement Patterns?

Gary Burtless, RCM

Alternative Investments That Have Taken Down Endowments

James Stewart, NYT

Books: Tim Harford Owes His Readers a Big Apology

John Tamny, RealClearMarkets

Lack of Common Sense May Return CA to Drought Conditions

Steven Greenhut, TAS

Could Pro-Market Plan From a Lefty Fix CA Housing?

Michael Hendrix, City Journal

Competition In Technology More Vibrant Than It Looks

Iain Murray, Ryan Khurana, IBD

The Fed Predicts Inflation, But Doesn't Know Why

Jeffrey Snider, RealClearMarkets

Puerto Rico's Corporate Tax Rate May Be It's Savior

Julio Rivera, Washington Times

When Mr. Trump Gets Mad at China, U.S. Businesses Get Hurt

John Brinkley, Forbes

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