

Investors Make The Biggest Emotional Errors At Market Extremes

Mike Barrett, AC

If You're Young and In a Low Tax Bracket, Get a Roth IRA

Robert Powell, USA Today

Sanders, Schumer & Rubio Don't Understand Stock Buybacks

Andrew Wilford, RCM

What We Have Is a Failure of Fed to Effectively Communicate

Markus Schomer, Hill

Inequality Is 'Great Wall' Between Those With/Without Power

Nomi Prins, The Nation

An Optimistic Take On the Alleged Rise of Socialism In the U.S.

John Tamny, RCM

Ivanka Was Right, Americans Want to Earn Their Success

Andy Puzder, Fox News

Learning the Lessons of Protectionism the Hard Way

Veronique de Rugy, Spectator

Ignore the Naysayers, California Needs Bullet Train

Michael Hiltzik, Los Angeles Times

As Air Travel Booms, Here's Who Will Be Handling Training

Jeremy Bogaisky, Forbes

SALT Limit Hitting 11 Million Tax Returns, Audit Finds

Jim Tankersley, New York Times

How Republicans Trapped Their Tax Cuts with Tax Refunds

Jeff Spross, The Week

Kids Make People Happy, But Cost of Raising Them Doesn't

Joe Pinsker, The Atlantic

John Steele Gordon On The Failures Of Health Insurance

Bill Walton, Bill Walton Show

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