

Is the Irrational In Stock Markets Now Being Rationalized?

Doug Kass, RealMoney

Expect Wild Market Swings Before New Records Broken

Avi Gilburt, MarketWatch

Is Trump's $50B Investment Embrace Worth Saudi Ties?

Andrew Ross Sorkin, NYT

Federal Policies Necessary to Achieve 4% Growth

Richard Rahn, Washington Times

A Case for the Border-Adjusted Tax

Alan Auerback & Michael Devereux, New York Times

Our Economy Is Designed to Create Poverty and Inequality

Dennis Kucinich, Nation

What's Wrong w/Inequality? Review of Edward Conard's 'Upside'

John Tamny, L&L

If All Economists Are For Trade, Then All Must Be For Gold

Brian Domitrovic, Forbes

When Pay of All CEOs Up, There May Be Something Amiss

Barry Ritholtz, Bloomberg

Have We Reached Peak Entrepreneurship?

Julio Ottino & Mark Mills, RealClearPolicy

Trump's Skills-Based Immigration Plan Is Well Overdue

Steven Malanga, City Journal

Politicians Can't Effectively Choose Human Capital

Michael Niren, The Huffington Post

Insurance Sales Across State Lines Won't Save Money

Peter Orszag, Bloomberg

No Government Fix Will Stop the Obamacare Bleeding

Michael Cannon, USA Today

How Much to Save for Retirement Is Simpler Than It Seems

John Divine, U.S. News

Let's Give Workers Retirement Savings Plan at Work

Gary Burtless, RealClearMarkets

Mock the 'New Normal', Say Yes to 4 Percent Growth

Steve Moore, Washington Times

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