

The Bull Market Not as Old as Some People Seem to Think

Barry Ritholtz, Bloomberg

Is Warren Buffett Finally Losing His Touch? Not quite.

John Maxfield, Motley Fool

Big State Spending In California May Doom the Boom

Terry Jones, Investor's Business

Why it's Time for Blue States to Exit Red America

Kevin Baker, The New Republic

O's Economy Didn't Elect Trump. But It Might Reelect Him.

Jonathan Chait, New York

Nicholas Eberstadt, Election 2016, and Elite Self-Flagellation

John Tamny, Forbes

The GOP's Border Tax Will Be Disaster for Texas

Richard Parker, Dallas Morning News

Is It Better to Be Poor in Bangladesh, or Mississippi?

Annie Lowrey, The Atlantic

Please Let Me Convince You To Save More Money

Morgan Housel, Collaborative Fund

The Green Energy Revolution Turns Into a Meltdown

Steve Moore, Washington Times

Are You Middle Class Enough to Deserve a Healthcare Tax Break?

Ron Lieber, NYT

Clues to Trump's Fannie/Freddie Plan May Emerge Soon

Gretchen Morgenson, NYT

Who's Afraid of the Big, Bad Congressional Budget Office?

Zachary Karabell, Politico

Trump Remains Wild Card on Filling Seats at the Fed

Jonathan Bernstein, Bloomberg

Why GenXers and Boomers Think Ideal Retirement Is Doable

Paul Katzeff, Investor's

What the President Could Learn From Economists

N. Gregory Mankiw, NY Times

The War on Cash Finds Its General. His Name? Rogoff

David Gordon, Mises Institute

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