

Let U.S. Airlines Compete So That More Dogs Arrive Safe

Glenn Reynolds, USA Today

Here's a Guide to Airplane Arguing When You Know You're Right

Jeff Friedrich, Slate

The Elite Need to Stop Apologizing For Being So Elite

Susan Jacoby, New York Times

While Retirement Is Expensive, Some Ways to Prepare

Mitch Tuchman, MarketWatch

The Reform of Dodd-Frank Didn't Go Nearly Far Enough

Editorial, Investor's Business

How the DOJ's Attempt to Block AT&T-TW Could Backfire

Telang & Smith, Fortune

Driverless Cars Mean End of Caring What You Drive

Eric Peters, American Spectator

Theranos's Fraud Tested the Limits of the Disruption Tale

Editorial, New York Times

Donald Trump's Protectionists Say the Craziest Things!

Don Boudreaux, Cafe Hayek

Larry Kudlow Is A Big Upgrade For The White House

David Harsanyi, The Federalist

Trump's Economic Plan Perilously Resembles Hillary's

Alex Shephard, New Republic

Betsy McCaughey Defends the Trump Tariffs Poorly

Ramesh Ponnuru, National Review

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