

To The Children Angry w/Facebook, It Was Never Free

John Podhoretz, New York Post

You Aren't Friends With FB & Zuckerberg: You're Their Product

Alicia Shepard, USAT

Adding to FB Noise, Zuckerberg Promises to Censor

Michael Brendan Dougherty, NRO

$1.3T GOP Spending Bill: Worst Part Is What's Not In It

Editorial, Investor's Business

While Outing GOP's Economic 'Zombies', Krugman Outs His Own

John Tamny, RCM

Bad Economics In the U.S. Springs from Bad Politics

Alan Blinder, The New Republic

Tariffs Are the Wrong Way to Somehow 'Punish' China

Christine McDaniel, Fortune

Donald Trump's Half-Baked Plan to Hit China With Tariffs

Editorial, New York Times

In A US/China Trade War, Trump Voters Lose Most

Heather Long, Washington Post

Is It Ignorance, or Fear Driving the Left's Critiques of the Tax Cuts?

J.T. Young, RCM

Are Aetna & Humana Amazon's Next Victims?

Hunt Lawrence & Daniel Flynn, Spectator

Dow Theory Has Been Beating Market, and It Requires Attention

Mark Hulbert, MW

Financial 'Fragility' Could Threaten Retirees In Future

Russ Wiles, Arizona Republic

Thoughts On Why Trump's China Tariffs Spook Investors

William Watts, MarketWatch

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