

The Republicans Pull Off Astonishing Act of Self-Immolation

Steve Forbes, Forbes

Tax Cuts Can't be Financed by Cutting Government Waste

Mark Thoma, Fiscal Times

Donald Trump's Morally Repugnant Budget Must Be Defeated

Bernie Sanders, USAT

If Conservatives Can't Compete with 'Santa,' They Should Quit

John Tamny, RCM

Why Treasury's Steven Mnuchin Wants a Stronger IRS

Dennis Ventry, New York Times

Why Do the Rich Want to Live as Venezuelans Do?

Kerry Jackson, Investor's Business

Elon Musk's Billion-Dollar Crusade to Stop the A.I. Apocalypse

Maureen Dowd, VF

Want To Be A Richer Retiree? Ways An IRA Can Help

Paul Katzeff, Investor's Business

How Gov. Cuomo Is Hiding a Huge Energy Tax Increase

Robert Bryce, City Journal

New Oil Play in Permian Basin Profitable at $20 a Barrel

Rakesh Upadhyay, OilPrice

As Stock Markets Sags, It Might Be Time to Turn Bullish

Avi Gilburt, MarketWatch

The Post-Election Rally May Be Repealed and Replaced

Doug Kass, RealMoney

No Indication of An 'Aging Bull Market' Slowing Down

Andrew Slimmon, U.S. News

Bull Market's Big Challenge: Corporate Profits Have Stalled

Anthony Mirhaydari, TFT

A Blanket of Calm Has Descended Over the Bond Market

Scott Dorf, Bloomberg View

Can Silicon Valley's Many Billions Make Death Optional?

Tad Friend, The New Yorker

Americans Once Known for Optimism Losing Hope

John Mauldin, Mauldin Economics

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