

Why President Trump Is Going It Alone on Infrastructure

Russell Berman, The Atlantic

Wall Street Groans Amid Trump's Sham Block of T & TW Merger

William Cohan, VF

'60s German Economic Miracle Depended on Arrival of Immigrants

Bill Wirtz, FEE

Can Facebook Fix Itself Before the Midterm Elections? It's Trying

Will Oremus, Slate

Do 5 Million Americans Live in Third World Poverty?

Robert Rector & Jamie Hall, NRO

Why California's Maduros Face Housing Crisis

Steven Greenhut, The American Spectator

Virtual Reality Is Latest Selling Tool for Carmakers

Paul Stenquist, New York Times

Fewer Places For Investors to Seek Safe Haven As Demand Dries

Thomas Kee, MW

You're Going To Need Inflation Protection

Mark Rzepczynski, Disciplined Global Macro

First Quarter Markets: At Least It Wasn't Boring

Barry Ritholtz, Bloomberg View

There's An Economic Rebound In Trump Country

Andrew Van Dam, Washington Post

The Tax Cut Is Kicking In, & People Are Getting Raises

Tim Phillips, Washington Times

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