

Donald Trump Is Proposing a Very Bad Tax Increase

Kevin Williamson, National Review

How a 1924 Law Could Force the Unveil of Trump's Taxes

George Yin, USA Today

Trump's Necessary German Currency Lessons

Hans Werner Sinn, Project Syndicate

Silicon Valley Has a Homelessness Crisis of Another Kind

Michelle Chen, The Nation

Deficits Are Why I Support a Border Adjustment Tax

William Jones, New York Times

Be Careful Out There, Because Everything Old Is New Again

Doug Kass, RealMoney

Markets Are Betting On a Future That Has Not Yet Occurred

Mark Grant, Bloomberg

BlackRock Isn't the Only Wall Street Firm Being Automated

Lucinda Shen, Fortune

Al Gore Has Made Another Science Fiction Movie

Kerry Jackson, Investor's Business

What's Wrong, Such That 'Stimulus' Just Isn't Working?

Jeff Snider, RealClearMarkets

The Trouble at Fox News Keeps Getting Worse

Gabriel Sherman, New York Magazine

Sears and Eddie Lampert, In Slow Decline Together

James Stewart, New York Times

Questions to Ask When Deciding Whether to Rent or Buy

Elyssa Kirkham, USA Today

Exactly How Much You Need To Save For Retirement

Paul Katzeff, Investor's Business

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