

Looking Back at Dems' Hysteria Over the GOP's Tax Cuts

Brian Riedl, Weekly Standard

The Outrage Over Kevin Williamson Is Atlantic's Gain

Bret Stephens, New York Times

Why Regular Business Leaders Are Bullish About Economy

Charles Gasparino, NYP

Government Spending Is Making Addiction Industry Less Effective

Chris Scott, FR

How Financial Panic of 33 AD Helped Cause Crucifixion

Jerry Bowyer,Affluent Investor

Why 'The China Hustle' Will Interest Investors In the U.S.

Barbara Chai, MarketWatch

How Crypto, Blockchain Could Potentially Transform Finance

Jed Graham, Investor's

Crypto Threat Would Discipline Gov't

Jesus Fernandez-Villaverde & Daniel Sanchez, Hoover

It's a Terrible Time For the Feds To Regulate Big Tech

Mark Mills, RealClearPolitics

Silicon Valley Warms to Pres. Trump After a Chilly Start

Jack Nicas, New York Times

HBO's Silicon Valley Strikes Out Into New Territory

Rachel Syme, The New Republic

VR May Be Biggest Advance In Movies Since Sound

Stephen Zeitchik, Washington Post

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