

A Tax So High That It Might Just Take Your Breath Away

John Crudele, New York Post

If Trump Closes Border, U.S. Autos Would Shut Down Too

Kristin Dziczek, USA Today

California Tax Collectors May Be Coming for You

Steven Greenhut, American Spectator

The Promises to 'Bring Jobs Back' Ring Hollow In Grand Rapids

Dylan Pahman, FEE

It's Time to Repeal the Estate Tax

Alexander Hendrie & Kip Eidelberg, Washington Examiner

Fed Does Great Work, But Must Evolve

Lyle Himebaugh & Richard Zipkis, Worth Magazine

The Fed Can't Fight Crises, It Can Only Create Them

John Tamny, RealClearMarkets

Does Tim Cook Want to Sell Prestige TV, or Change the World?

Farhad Manjoo, NYT

Why Investors Could Be Spooked by 2nd Bad Jobs Report

Sonny Oh, MarketWatch

The Role of "Treasure Assets" In Your Portfolio

Michael Cannivet, RealClearMarkets

A Brewing Rebellion Over Homelessness In the Emerald City

Christopher Rufo, CJ

For Potential Investors in Lyft and Uber, It's Buyer Beware

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Seeking a Role for Regulation In the Rollout of 5G

Ken Cuccinelli, RealClearMarkets

Why Europe's Getting Tough On China, What It Means For the U.S.

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