

A Gov't Shutdown Is Not Something for Investors to Fear

Mark Hulbert, MarketWatch

Financial Institutions Hiring Like They Believe in Trump

Mark Whitehouse, Bloomberg

Forget Politics, Earnings Will Drive Stocks Ever Higher

Kevin Marder, MarketWatch

The Economy May Be Stuck In a Near-Zero World

Justin Wolfers, New York Times

Spain's 'Wasted Generation' Tells Sad Story of American Error

John Tamny, Forbes

Jared Kushner Is More an Economic Populist Than Steve Bannon

Eric Levitz, NYM

Its Tax System Actually Unites American People

Robert Samuelson, Washington Post

Taxifornia Does It Again With Biggest Tax Hike Yet

Editorial, Investor's Business Daily

On the Subject of Taxes, Trump Should Ditch the Goldman Guys

Tho Bishop, Arc

Why There Are So Many Zombie American Buildings Now

Salena Zito, New York Post

How Government Makes Poor People Even Poorer

Stephen Moore, Washington Times

Some Fairly Easy Ways to Boost Retirement Income

Maurie Backman, Motley Fool

The $26B Woman Whom Men Bet Would Fail

Alexandra Stevenson & Kate Kelly, NYT

A Breakup of the Biggest Banks Offers a Lot for Us to Like

Barry Ritholtz, Bloomberg

How Middle-Class America Got Fleeced

Noah Smith, Bloomberg View

Want to See How US Is Changing? Property Taxes Hold Answer

Andrea Riquier, MW

New Numbers Show Why Trump Shouldn't Focus on Job Growth

Neil Irwin, NYTimes

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