

What to Make of Jack Ma's Call for 12-Hour Days, 6 Days a Week

Jack Kelly, Forbes

Should Offshore Oil Workers Get Paid While They Sleep?

Emily Atkin, New Republic

Lehman: Family Saga, As Seen By Some Who Lived It

Patricia Cohen, New York Times

Why Is the American Right So Reluctant to Defend Capitalism?

Gus Van Horn, RCM

How Disparities in Benefits Contribute to Racial Wealth Gap

Ellen McGirt, Fortune

What Elizabeth Warren Doesn't Get about Wealth Taxes

Jon Hartley, National Review

Why Disney+ Will Be Tough - Even for Foes Like NFLX - to Beat

David Sims, Atlantic

Steve Moore Would Bring 'Supply-Side' Diversity to Fed

Juscelino Colares, USA Today

Don't Let President Trump Blow Up the Federal Reserve

Jim Pethokoukis, The Week

Why Sallie Krawcheck Is Building Female Investing Platform

Benjamin Reeves, Worth

There Will Be Fewer Places to Hide From Next Downturn

Eugene Steurle, MarketWatch

The Ideal Retirement Age, & Why You Won't Retire by Then

Emily Brandon, U.S. News

Retirement Is a Mess. Here's a Solution

Martin Neil Baily & Benjamin Harris, CNNMoney

Whether Trade Deal or Not, China Knows Times Have Changed

Arthur Dong, The Hill

Return of Neo-Keynesians: 'MMT' Charms Those Tricked By Magic

Guy Sorman, CJ

The 140-Year-Old Dream of 'Government Without Taxation'

Annika Neklason, Atlantic

Tax Preparation Industry Is Stymieing Tax Simplification Efforts

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