

'Hire American, Buy American' Is Redistribution by Another Name

Ben Shapiro, NR

Why 'Hire American' Must Start with Immigrant Worker Rights

Vivek Wadhwa, WP

Right Out of the Gate, Women Make Less Money Than Men

Jane Burnett, Ladders

Don't Be Fooled by Lie That's Universal Basic Income

Greg Jones, American Spectator

Rumors of American Dream's Demise Are Exaggerated

Charles Hughes, Economics21

Kill the Death Tax, and In Return Kill Muni Deduction

Ray Keating, RealClearMarkets

Economy Awaits As 'Go Big, Go Bold' Congress Does Nothing

Editorial, Investor's

Unions Stopped Cold in Tricky Move to Repeal Right to Work

George Leef, Forbes

Shorten Your Investment Horizons, and Then Hang Tight

Doug Kass, RealMoney

The Fed Looks for Solutions In All the Wrong Places

Jeffrey Snider, RealClearMarkets

Silicon Valley Should Worry About Housing, Not H1-B Visas

Elaine Ou, Bloomberg

Sacramento Kicks the California Can to Future Generations

Carson Bruno, RCM

Ten Years Later, IPhones Go the Way of the Selectric

Adam Minter, Bloomberg View

Bill O'Reilly: No One's Too Big to Fail In a Functioning Market

Shikha Dalmia, Reason

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