

Trump Might Be Wise to Discard 'Comprehensive' Tax Reform

James Piereson, TWS

Tax Reform Is the Only Way Trump Can Keep Congress

John Batchelor, Daily Beast

'Buy American, Hire American':Cruel to U.S. Business & Workers

John Tamny, RCM

The Partisan Economic Divide Worries Bernanke

Andrew Ross Sorkin, New York Times

Limits on H1-B Workers Will Weaken U.S. Economy

Editorial, Investor's Business Daily

The Way to Be a Great Trader Is to Not Be Great

Timothy Sykes, New York Observer

What Troubles Me, and What Should Trouble You Too

Doug Kass, RealMoney

The Market Eventually Exposes Poorly Positioned Bond Traders

Scott Dorf, BBW

The GOP's Attacks on the Poor Are About to Get Stealthier

Kai Wright, The Nation

The Average Person Today Really Isn't John D. Rockefeller Rich

Barry Ritholtz, BBW

Inclusive Growth Requires Maintenance of Full Employment

Isabel Sawhill, RCM

Man Who Took Out Volkswagen Is Only a Hero to Bureaucrats

Eric Peters, Spectator

How Hollywood Remembers Trump Adviser Steve Bannon

Connie Bruck, New Yorker

Why Driverless Cars Should Leave Us All Unsettled

Vivek Wadhwa, Washington Post

No Longer a Dream: Silicon Valley Takes on Flying Car

John Markoff, New York Times

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