

The Great Tax Migration Away From CA, NY

Rob Arnott & John Tamny, RealClearPolitics

Strong Economy Won't Make You Popular These Days

Ruchir Sharma, New York Times

From Progress to Poverty: America's Perpetual Gilded Age

Steven Hahn, The Nation

GOP Tax Cuts: Rich Are Paying A Larger Share Of Income Taxes

Editorial, Investor's

If Solar & Wind Are So Cheap, Why's Electricity So Exp?

Michael Shellenberger, Forbes

If Anyone Can Deliver Cheap Healthcare, It's AMZN

Hunt Lawrence & Daniel Flynn, TAS

In Japan You Can Hire a Husband, Mother, Grandson, etc.

Elif Batuman, New Yorker

Google Has a Facebook Problem That Congress Should Explore

David Dayen, TNR

Here's Why So Many CEOs Start Job Unprepared

Najipoor-Schuette & Patton, Fortune

Reminiscing On Reminiscences Of A Stock Operator

Seth Levine, Integrating Investor

Tobacco Stocks Routinely Outperform While Being Very Cheap

Lawrence Hamtil, FF

Who Are the Beneficiaries of Rising Interest Rates?

Ben Carlson, Bloomberg View

Are You Worried About Next Bear Market? Try Real Estate?

Mark Hulbert, USA Today

Unhappy Investors Can't Find Much to Look Forward To

Matt Phillips, New York Times

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