

The Good & Bad News About Trump's Massive Tax Cut Plan

Charles Gasparino, NYP

Don't Cut the Corporate Tax, Simply Abolish the Tax

Kevin Williamson, National Review

President Trump's Laughable Plan to Cut His Own Taxes

Editorial, New York Times

Trump's Tax Proposal Is Most Pro-Growth Since Reagan

Editorial, Investor's Business

Trump's Plan Would Turn All U.S. Into a Wreck Like Kansas

Jordan Weissmann, Slate

Slow Growth Since 2005 Indicts Our Present Tax Code

Adam Brandon, USA Today

Trump Proposes Giant, Unfunded Tax Cut for Himself

Eric Levitz, New York Magazine

Trump Takes Aim at Canadian Lumber, but Injures Americans

Allan Golombek, RCM

Why Getting Fired Is Worse Than Divorce, or Spouse Death

Chris Stokel-Walker, BBW

Book Review: Chip Mellor and Dick Carpenter's 'Bottleneckers'

John Tamny, RCM

Why Instagram Becoming Facebook's Next Facebook

Farhad Manjoo, New York Times

The Origins of the Decline, And Fall, off the Empire Of Liberty

Ralph Benko, Forbes

Wall Street to Millennial Generation: Don't Fear the Stock Market

Adam Shell, USAT

Some Think Trump's Tax Plan Sets Stage for Dow 30,000

Nigam Arora, MarketWatch

A History of How Stock Markets Respond to Tax Reform

Ben Carlson, Bloomberg

The Market Is Overvalued, But Not In a Manic Phase

Jared Dillian, Mauldin Economics

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