

Don't Be Fooled By The New York Times, Amazon Pays Taxes

Kevin Williamson, NRO

Some Bothered by AMZN's $0 Corporate Tax Bill

Stephanie Saul & Patricia Cohen, NYT

The Blame for AMZN's Tax Bill Goes Back to the 1990s

John Merline, Issues & Insights

Putting Execs On Hook Can Boost Airplane Safety

Cary Coglianese & Sierra Blazer, Hill

It's Time For the Right to Leap to Steve Moore's Defense

R. Emmett Tyrrell, Spectator

Beto O'Rourke Won't Demonize the Fossil Fuel Industry

Emily Atkin, The New Republic

The Jamal Khashoggi Double Standard: Bad for U.S. Business

Joseph Duggan, RCM

Don't Let Congress Bust the Spending Caps Again

Jason Pye, Washington Examiner

Cannabis: The New Green That's Filling State Coffers

Aaron Klein, RealClearMarkets

Puerto Rico Won't Recover From Bankruptcy Sans Fiscal Reform

Jose Carrion, NYP

Apple Is Optimistic, and It's Not Because of the iPhone

Jeremy Owens, MarketWatch

Meet Minnesota's Mark Zoril--The $96 A Year Financial Advisor

Asia Martin, Forbes

How Early 401(k) Withdrawals Can Harm Your Retirement

Jon Ogg, 24/7 Wall Street

'Trump Trap': Inside the Battle for the Future of Fox News

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